MoU with UBI, Italy on Riglam Curriculum: 16Feb.2025
Hits : 190
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2025-02-16
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed and exchanged between Sera Jey Monastic Institute and Unione Buddhists Italiana, Italy, on collaboration in Tibetan Buddhist Dialectical Curriculum at Gyudmed Monastic School, on February 16, 2025. Representatives from the two organisations, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsethar, the Abbot of Sera Jey Monastic Institute, and Mr. Filippo Scianna, President of Unione Buddhists Italiana were the signatories of the MoU.Geshe Ngawang Jangchup, Geshe Ngawang Rigdol & Geshe Lodroe of Sera Jey and Giovanna Giorgetti, Vice President of Unione Buddhists Italiana, witnessed the exchange ceremony.
Inauguration of Sera Jey Dechen Choepheling Monastery
Hits : 120
Category: Monasteries
Date: 2025-02-14
The inauguration of the new re-constructed Sera Jey Dechan Chophelling Monastery at Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement in Odisha state, was held on 14 February 2025. Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsethar inaugrated the new monastery complex in the presence of the Chief Administrator, the Administrator in charge of the re-construction, member monks, Representative, dignitaries and public of the settlement. The re-construction was successfully completed in a span of one year and seven months, with the kind help and support of the settlement community. In appreciation and gratitude to the settlement community and the patrons in particular, Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot granted the sacred Phurjel Blessing Ceremony to the public on the morning of 15 February 2025.
Special Mass Prayer for late Kasur Gyalo Dhondup: 9Feb2025
Hits : 186
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2025-02-09
A special mass prayer ceremony was held at Sera Jey Monastery’s main prayer hall, in dedication to late Kasur Gyalo Dhondup, elder brother of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, who passed away on 8th February 2025 at 5.45 pm in Kalimpong, West Bengal, India. Kasur Gyalo Dhondup, was a phenomenal figure in the post era of Tibet’s occupation by communist China, facilitating His Holiness escape from Tibet & refuge in India, and as the liaison for dialogues between His Holiness and the Chinese government. He has served as the elected Kalon Tripa of the Tibetan government in exile between 1991 - 93.
Memento of Gratitude to His Holiness 90th Birthday
Hits : 178
Category: Special Events
Date: 2025-02-08
It was a great privilege for Sera Jey Monastery, to offer The Memento of Gratitude in honor the 90th Birthday of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, the supreme leader & Noble Peace Laureate, who has tirelessly dedicated His entire life not only for the people and cause of Tibet, but has exceptionally endeavored towards the preservation & promotion of the Buddha Dharma the world over. On behalf of the monk community of Sera Jey Monastery, the Abbot & the Administration members, presented The Memento of Gratitude with the Message, to His Holiness, on February 8, 2025.
Blessing audience to dignitaries from Uni. of Mysore:8Feb2025
Hits : 175
Category: Special Events
Date: 2025-02-08
Dignitaries from University of Mysore, former VC, former Registrar, Chairman of Board of Studies, ...etc along with member of Board of Studies, Geshe Jampa Choewang, had the privilege to receive the blessing audience of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, and forwarded a memorandum on the current study programs of Sera Jey accredited under University of Mysore, and future plans of extension of the study programs.
Annual Sangchoe Monlam Prayer Ceremony: 2025
Hits : 180
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2025-02-06
The annual Sangchoe Monlam Prayer Ceremony is scheduled from 6th - 10th February 2025.This sacred prayer ceremony is annually conducted in veneration to the learned scholar & author of Sera Jey curriculum texts, Jetsun Choekyi Gyaltsen, after the first week of His mortal departure.The prayer ceremony commences early in the morning and extends up to the night with short intervals; and it is attended by all the monk community of Sera Jey,
Long Life Offering (Tenshuk) to HH Dalai Lama: 5Feb2025
Hits : 163
Category: Special Events
Date: 2025-02-05
On February 5, 2025, Sera Lachi, Sera Jey & Sera Mey Monastery dedicated a Long Life Offering (Tenshuk) to His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama. Thousands of devotees had the privilege to attend the auspicious offering ceremony.
Annual Tsenma (Paramita) Exam Feb. 2025
Hits : 209
Category: Academic
Date: 2025-02-03
Sera Jey Monastery’s annual Examination on Tsenma (Pramanavartika) for the year 2024-25 has been scheduled for two days from February 3 & 4, 2025. This examination is introduced in addition to the four annual examinations, and it is taken in written form.
Farewell Ceremony: Sr. Director, Bangalore IGNOU Chapter
Hits : 239
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2025-01-25
Sera Jey IGNOU Special Study Centre - 13156D officials, Coordinator - Geshe Thupten Choedak, and assistant staffs - Ven. Ngawang Phuntsok and Mr. Karma Dorjee attended the farewell felicitation ceremony of the retiring Sr. Director, Dr. S Radha of Bangalore IGNOU Regional Center held on 25 January 2025.
Annual Churgu Choepa Ceremony: 17Jan.2025
Hits : 219
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2025-01-17
Sera Jey Monastery and its entire sangha community commemorated the Churgu Choepa ceremony on 17 January 2025, in veneration of Jetsun Choekyi Gyaltsen's (Text Composer of Sera Jey Monastery) parinirvana, which falls on the 19th day of the 11th month of Tibetan lunar calendar. The ceremony was presided by the monastery’s Abbot, former Abbot in the presence the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Tulkus, Geshes and member monks.
H.E. Sharpa Choeje visits Sera Jey Monastery: 16Jan.2025
Hits : 239
Category: Special Events
Date: 2025-01-16
H.E. Sharpa Choeje, Jetsun Khensur Rinpoche Ngawang Jorden paid a visit to Sera Jey Monastery on this day, 17 January 2025. Sera Jey Monastery, led by the Abbot, former Abbot and dignitaries, extended a warm welcome ceremony to H.E. during this first visit since being appointed the Sharpa Choeje by His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama on 1 January 2025.
Sera Jey Bangalore Buddhist Society: Pongal 2025
Hits : 199
Category: Centers
Date: 2025-01-14
Sera Jey Bangalore Buddhist Foundation convened its members and devotees to observe the Pongal Festival on 14 January 2025. During which monks from Sera Jey Monastery performed dedicated prayer & tsok offerings for the victims of the devastating earthquake in Shigatse region of Tibet and from the raging wild fire in California, USA.
Special Mass Prayer for victims of earthquake in Tibet Jan2025
Hits : 226
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2025-01-08
Sera Jey Monastery organized a special mass prayer offering on the evening of 8 December 2025, in dedication to the victims of the devastating earthquake that struct Shigatse and neighbouring regions, with Dingri being the most severely affected from the quake’s magnitude of 7.1. The special mass prayer offering was led by the monastery’s former Abbot, Khensur Geshe Lobsang Delek and the Abbot of Namgyal Monastery Khen Rinpoche Thamthog Rinpoche, with the participation of the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Tulkus, Geshes and member monks.
Arrival of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama: 5Jan.2025
Hits : 241
Category: Special Events
Date: 2025-01-05
Tibetans and devotees at Bylakuppe Tibetan settlement in South India extended a warm welcome reception to His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama on arrival for a prolong stay at Tashi Lhunpo Monastery on 5 January 2025. The entire settlement road was lined up with flowers and public with scarfs greeting His Holiness on motorcade. At Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, high lamas, senior monks, abbots & dignitaries along with officials, received and extended a warm welcome ceremony to His Holiness.
Special Trinchol Ceremony dedication: 4 Jan. 2025
Hits : 228
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2025-01-04
This morning, Sera Jey Monastery conducted a special Tadin Trinchol (Hayagriva Ritual Ceremony) dedicated for His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama’s safe journey and stay visit at Bylakuppe Tibetan Settlement. The ceremony was presided by the monastery’s Abbot, with the participation of the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master and senior monks.
Gaden Ngamchoe Prayer Ceremony 2024
Hits : 250
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-12-25
On the auspicious day of Gaden Ngamchoe (Lama Tsong Khapa’s Parinirvana) Sera Jey Monastery conducted a mass prayer assembly led by HE 104th Gaden Trisur Rinpoche in the presence of the Abbot, former Abbot, Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Tulkus, Geshes and member monks. The assembly recited the prayer “Lama Tsong Khapa's Essence of True Eloquence” in dedication for the removal of all negative obstacles for the continuation of the good health & long life of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama.
Instatement of new Chief Disciplinarian (Dean): 2024-25
Hits : 247
Category: Appointments
Date: 2024-12-25
On the auspicious day of Gaden Ngamchoe (Lama Tsong Khapa’s Parinirvana), as per the Geluk monastic tradition, Lharampa Geshe Yeshi Phuntsok of Tehor Khangtsen the new elected Chief Disciplinarian of Sera Jey Monastery takes over the charge from his predecessor Lharam Geshe Thupten Yargyal of Jadrel Khangtsen. The ceremony is held in the presence of the monastery’s Chief Administrator, Chant Master, Khangtsen heads and representatives of various departments.
BA Hons. 1st, 3rd, 5th Semester Exam 2024-25
Hits : 276
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-12-20
The semester exams of BA Hons in Ancient Philosophy, Ancient Psychology & Ancient Tibetan Language, under the specialized program of University of Mysore, for the academic year 2024-25, is scheduled from 20th - 27th December 2024. The final examination of the 1st & 3rd Semester BA Hons subjects are, Ancient Philosophy, Ancient Psychology & Ancient Tibetan Language.The final examination of the 5th Semester BA Hons subjects will cover the entire three-year course’s syllabus in depth.
5th International Conference on Vinaya: 2024
Hits : 256
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-12-19
Sera Jey Monastery organized the “5th International Conference on Vinaya” at Bodh Gaya in collaboration with Buddhist Tahi Bharat Society, Bodh Gaya, from 16th - 18th December, 2024. Sera Jey Monastery has organized four successive International Conference on Vinaya, in following with the vision of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, to fostering better understanding and harmony between the different Buddhist traditions. In this “5th International Conference on Vinaya” Buddhist scholars from 13 different countries has participated, presenting and sharing their Vinaya traditions.
Lharam Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2024
Hits : 319
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-12-09
The Lharam Geshe Graduation Ceremony for the year was scheduled from 4th - 9th December 2024. Fifty pupil monks will be graduating the Lharam Geshe during the six day ceremony. Lharam Geshe degree is the highest monastic scholastic title, which is equivalent to Doctorate in Buddhist Philosophy.
Long Life Offering to Trisur Rinpoche: 29Nov.2024
Hits : 340
Category: Special Events
Date: 2024-11-29
Sera Jey Monastery dedicated a grand Tenshuk, Long Life Offering Ceremony on November 2024, to Trisur Rinpoche Jetsun Geshe Lobsang Tenzin, in honor and gratitude to his successful completion of the 104th Gaden Tripa tenure. The ceremony was attended by the monastery’s Abbot, former Abbots, Abbots of Sera Mey, Tashi Lhunpo, Gyudmed Monastery & representatives of other monasteries & organizations in Bylakuppe, besides the monastery’s Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Tulkus, Geshes and member monks.
Guen-ling Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2024
Hits : 337
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-11-22
སེར་བྱེས་མཁས་སྙན་གྲྭ་ཚང་དུ་རིག་གནས་ཆེ་བ་ལྔའི་ནང་ཚན། ནང་དོན་རིག་པའི་གཞུང་ལ་གཙོ་བོ་རྩལ་འདོན་གྱིས་སློབ་གཉེར་གནང་བ་ལྟར། གཞུང་ཆེན་བཀའ་པོད་ལྔར་ཐོས་བསམ་སློབ་གཉེར་མཐར་ཕྱིན་ཏེ། མཁས་མང་འདུས་པ་རྒྱ་མཚོའི་དབུས་སུ་དགུན་གླིང་དགེ་བཤེས་དམ་འཇོག་འབྲེལ། བསྙེན་བཀུར་མཆོད་འབུལ་གནང་བའི་ཉིན་གྱི་སྐུ་པར། The Guen-ling Geshe Graduation Ceremony for the year 2024 was scheduled from November 20th - 22nd, 2024. Nine pupils received their Lingse Geshe during the three-day graduation ceremony.
Annual Debate Exam 2024-25
Hits : 369
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-11-13
Annual Debate Exam for the academic year 2024-25 has commenced today, 13th November 2024. The Debate Exam being the most important amongst the other annual exams, each pupil monks has to perform in the debate, the challenger and the defender, in turns.
Yangdrub Ceremony 2024
Hits : 403
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-11-07
འདི་ག་གྲྭ་ཚང་དུ་ལོ་ལྟར་འཕགས་པ་ཛམྦྷ་ལ་དཀར་པོའི་སྒོ་ནས་གཡང་སྒྲུབ་མཛད་པའི་ཕྱག་སྲོལ་བཟང་པོ་ཡོད་པ་ལྟར། ད་རིང་བོད་རྒྱལ་ལོ་༢༠༥༡ དབྱུ་གུ་ཟླ་བའིི་ཚེས་༦ དང་། ཕྱི་ལོ་༢༠༢༤ ཟླ་བ་༡༡ ཚེས་༠༧ ཉིན་མོར་གཙུག་ལག་ཁང་གི་ཡང་སྟེང་དུ་༸སྐྱབས་རྗེ་མཁན་ཟུར་རྣམ་པ་གཉིས་ཀྱིས་དབུས་བླ་སྤྲུལ་རྣམ་པ་དང་། དབུ་ཆོས་རྣམ་པ། བཀའ་རབ་འབྱམས་དགེ་བའི་བཤེས་གཉེན་བཅས་གདན་འཛོམས་ཐོག་ ནོར་གྱི་བདག་པོ་དཔལ་ལྡན་ཨརྱ་ཛམྦྷ་ལ་དཀར་པོའི་སྒོ་ནས་གཡང་སྒྲུབ་ཚོགས་ནས་རྒྱལ་བསྟན་དར་ཞིང་འགྲོ་ཀུན་བདེ་བ་དང་། ལྷག་དོན་བསྟན་པ་དེ་འཛིན་ཀུན་གྱི་གཙུག་ནོར་ལྷར་བཅས་སྲིད་ཞིའི་གཙུག་རྒྱན་༸སྤྱི་ནོར་༸གོང་ས་སྐྱབས་མགོན་རྒྱལ་བའི་དབང་པོ་མཆོག་གིས་དབུས་བསྟན་འཛིན་གྱི་སྐྱེས་ཆེན་དམ་པ་རྣམས་ཀྱི་སྐུ་ཚེ་བརྟན་ཅིང་མཛད་འཕྲིན་རྒྱས་པ་དང་། འཛམ་གླིང་ཡོངས་ལ་ནད་ཡམས་དང་དམག་འཁྲུག་སོགས་ཞི་བ། ཁྱད་པར་དུ་དགོན་པའི་ཕྱི་ནང་གསང་གསུམ་གྱི་བར་ཆད་ཐམས་ཅད་ཞི་ཞིང་།རྒྱལ་ཕྱི་ནང་གང་སར་བཞུགས་པའི་གྲྭ་ཚང་གི་འབྲེལ་ཡོད་སྦྱིན་
Panel Discussion on Pharchin (Paramit): 16 Oct. 2024
Hits : 463
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-10-16
On 16th October 2024, Sera Jey Monastery organised the first “Panel Discussion on Pharchin”, Perfection of Wisdom / Paramita, at the main Prayer Hall. The panel discussion was chaired by the monastery’s Abbot - Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsethar, two former Abbots - Khensur Geshe Lobsang Delek & Logoan Tulu / Tenzin Choesang Rinpoche, with the participation of the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Tulkus, members of Board of Exam / Philosophical Committee and senior Geshes, and attended by Geshes and member monks.
Buddhist Tantra Exam 2024
Hits : 403
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-10-12
The debate & writing examination for the post-Geshe Tantric course was held on 12th October 2024. The post-Geshe Tantric course is six month program, introduced by the monastery in 2022 as an extra curricula program.
Annual Memorization Exam 2024
Hits : 432
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-09-22
The Annual Memorization Exam for the academic year 2024 was conducted from 19th September 2024. The monastic institute’s Board of Exam has scheduled the Annual Memorization Exam for two days, 19th & 20th September 2024, and the Special Memorization Exam on 21st & 22nd September 2024.
Annual Summer Recitation Ceremony: 2024
Hits : 482
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-09-06
Sera Jey Monastery’s annual Summer Recitation Ceremony was held today, 6th of September 2024, from 8 am onwards at the Debate Courtyard. The ceremony was presided by the monastery’s abbot and supervised by the monastery’s Board of Examination.
Lapcha to Gelong monks at monsoon retreat 2024
Hits : 495
Category: Special Events
Date: 2024-08-30
A special Lapcha (Guidance Instruction) sessions were held for respective classes of the monastery’s academic course curriculum, for Gelong and Getsul ordained pupil monks, for three days from 28 - 30 August 2024. The Instructions were given by the monastery’s philosophical teachers. It is introduced in the monastery annual program as per the resolution passed by members of Geluk International Foundation.
Lapcha to Gestsul monks at monsoon retreat 2024
Hits : 380
Category: Special Events
Date: 2024-08-29
A Recitation ceremony was held on 29 August 2024, for 653 Getsul ordained monks, enrolled in the first-two year of Pharchin (Paramita), first, second & third Dudra (Elementary of Logic) course. Recitation ceremony was also conducted for pupil monks enrolled in Class 5 - 10 at monastery's secondary school. This recitation ceremony is conducted for younger pupil monks during the annual Monsoon Retreat, as per the resolution passed by members of Geluk International Foundation.
HE 104th Gaden Tripa confers Getsul Ordination: August 2024
Hits : 436
Category: Special Events
Date: 2024-08-15
HE The 104th Gaden Tripa Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin granted Getsul Ordination to 157 novice monks from Sera Jey Monastery and Sera Mey Monastery on 14th & 15th August 2024. Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsethar along with four senior & former Disciplinarians and others assisted the ceremony.
Rigchung Debate Ceremony 2024
Hits : 521
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-08-03
The annual Rigchung Debate Ceremony for the year 2024, was held from 31st July - 3rd Aug. 2024. Sixteen pupil candidates selected from the Paramita course stage, who have successfully completed the first major part of Prajnaparamita course, present the minor debate before the sangha assembly during the four day ceremony.
Felicitation by Sera Jey Monastery on 24July2024
Hits : 397
Category: Special Events
Date: 2024-07-25
Sera Jey Monastery’s Administration felicitated three groups during the prayer assembly -i) Two staffs of Sera Je Secondary School, Ven. Lobsang Rabten & Mr. Passang Tsering, for completing 20 years of service.ii) Team of eminent medical doctors from AAIMS, Safdarjung, NITRD, Delhi who have participated at the 4 day free medical camp at Sera Jhe Health Care, from 23rd - 26th July 2024, jointly organized by Mr. Sonam Wangyal of “Patient Care Trust” and Sera Jhe Health Care Committee.iii) Students of 3rd Summer Camp 2024, organized by Sera Jey International Online School for children of Tibetan diaspora across Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, etc. The Summer Camp was held at Sera Jey Tashi Choeling Centre from 8 - 31 July 2024.
Special Hayagriva Prayer for HH Dalai Lama: 24July2024
Hits : 495
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-07-24
On 24th July 2024, Sera Jey Monastery conducted a full day Hayagriva Ritual Puja Ceremony, Tamdin Tsokong, ( ཡི་དམ་རྟ་མགྲིན་ཡང་གསང་གི་སྒོ་ནས་ཚོགས་བསྐོང་ ) in dedication to His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama for a good & speedy from the post knee surgery treatment in the United States. The special prayer ritual ceremony was presided by the monastery’s Abbot, and attended by the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Tulkus and Geshes. The previous Administration Committee of Sera Jey Monastery, made offerings to the sangha assembly during the ceremony.
BA Hons. 2nd & 4th Semester Exam for 2023-24
Hits : 401
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-07-17
The 2nd & 4th Semester examination for BA Hons in Ancient Philosophy, Ancient Psychology & Ancient Tibetan Language, under the specialized programs of University of Mysore, at Sera Jey Monastic Institute, is held from 18th - 26th July 2024.
GIF The Buddhist Institute's Certificate Award - 2024
Hits : 341
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-07-06
On the auspicious day of 6th July 2024, in the presence of the assembly during the prayer ceremony in celebration of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama’s 89th Birthday, the monastery’s Abbot awarded the Course Certificates of Geluk Monastic University’s Buddhist Institute, for Pharchin (Paramita), Uma (Madhyamika) & Tshad ma rnam grel (Pramanavartika) course.
10th Kadrin Jedren Sera Jey Scholarship: 2024
Hits : 306
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2024-07-06
Sera Jey Monastic awarded annual the 10th Kadrin Jedren Sera Jey Higher Education Scholarship to 29 needy students during the public celebration of H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama on 6th July 2024. Thirty needy Tibetan students were the beneficiaries in this 10th Kadrin Jedren Sera Jey Higher Education Scholarship, which includes students from the two settlements of Bylakuppe, new arrivals from Tibet, three students each from Norgyeling Tibetan settlement, Bhandara and Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement, Odisha. Besides, as part of our commitment towards social and education service to the community,ten needy students from the local Indian community were awarded scholarship for school / college education. List of beneficiary students of the 10th Kadrin Jedren Sera Jey Higher Education Scholarship: JPEG PDF
Trungkar: 89th Birthday of HH The Dalai Lama Ceremony
Hits : 311
Category: Special Events
Date: 2024-07-06
On the auspicious day 1 of the 6th month of Tibetan calendar year 2151, corresponding to 6th of July 2024, Sera Jey Monastery celebrated the 89th Birthday of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, with the presence of the monastery’s Abbot, former Abbots, Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Heads of Khangtsen & Departments. The celebration ceremony commenced with the traditional procession of His Holiness portrait, Mandala & Scarf Offering Ceremony, Cake cutting ceremony, followed by serving of tea & sweet rice.
Special Prayer Offering to HH The 14th Dalai Lama - 28June2024l
Hits : 393
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-06-28
On 28 June 2024 at 3 pm, Sera Jey Monastery conducted a Special Prayer Ceremony at the main temple, presided by the Abbot in the presence of all former Abbots, Tulkus, Geshes and member monks, in dedication to His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama’s medical knee surgery & treatment currently underway in the United States. The full assembly of Abbot, former Abbots, Tulkus, Geshes and member monks dedicated Medicine Buddha Prayers for the removal of all obstacles to facilitate a successful medical knee surgery & treatment of His Holiness.
Geshe Rigram Graduation Ceremony - 2024
Hits : 378
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-06-27
The annual Rigram Geshe graduation ceremony is scheduled from 26th - 28th June 2024. Nine candidates will be receiving their Geshe scholastic title during this graduation ceremony on the successful completion of the study curriculum on the Five Major Treatises.
Special Prayer Dedication to HH The Dalai Lama: 19June2024
Hits : 416
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-06-19
Sera Jey Monastery conducted a special prayer ceremony on 19 June 2024, with the participation of the former abbot, tulkus, geshes and member monks, in dedication for His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama's upcoming travel to the United States for medical treatment of His knee ailment.Khensur Jampa Choesang Rinpoche presided the two sessions of སྨན་བླའི་མདོ་ཆོག Medicine Buddha Prayer Ceremony.
Closing Ceremony of Summer Camp for local students 2024
Hits : 457
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-06-05
The final day of the 21 day-long Summer Camp for school children of the two Bylakuppe settlements, was concluded with a brief closing ceremony on 5th June 2024. Representative of Lugsam Tibetan Settlement, the chief guest of the closing ceremony, presented the awards to the students for their respective achievements and token award to the teachers.The summer camp for school children of Bylakuppe settlement program is annually organized by the monastery’s modern education department as part of the monastery’s social & educational services to the community and for the preservation of Tibet’s Buddhist culture and language. The monastery’s chief disciplinarian, chant master, representative of the council, administration & modern education department were present and part of the closing ceremony.
Vesak Ceremony at Bangalore Buddhist Society: 23May2024
Hits : 477
Category: Centers
Date: 2024-05-23
Sera Jey Bangalore Buddhist Society organized the Vesak Day ceremony with Prayers & Tsog Offerings on the auspicious day of Vesak (Saka Dawa) 23 May 2024 at the society’s prayer hall. Members of the society, devotees from Tibetan and local community, and Himalayan regions residing in Bangalore attended the auspicious Vesak Day ceremony.
Long-life Prayer Ceremony organised by SJBCC NY, 17May2024
Hits : 397
Category: Centers
Date: 2024-05-17
Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsethar, granted a Long Life Prayer Ceremony to devotees and public at Phuntsok Deshe community hall in New York on 17 May 2024. The ceremony was organized by Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center of New York. The ceremony was attended by a large section of devotees in New York & New Jersey, including dignitaries.
Summer Camp 2024 for Local School Students
Hits : 513
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-05-15
The annual Summer Camp for Tibetan school children of the two settlements in Bylakuppe and others has commenced this year on 15 May 2024. This summer camp will be a 21 day long program where the children will learn about Tibetan Buddhism, language & culture. This program is part of Sera Jey Monastery’s commitment to the preservation & promotion of Tibet’s unique Buddhist culture and language, and also a social and educational service to the society.
Educational Tour visit of Simpson College, USA - 2024
Hits : 438
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-05-08
A group of 20 students & faculty from Simpson College of Iowa, USA, was on a educational tour visit to Sera Jey Monastic Institute for eight days from 1 - 8 May 2024. Sera Jey Monastery’s Modern Education Department organized the group’s program during their eight day visit, providing viable opportunities for exploring Tibetan Buddhism, culture and monastic life, besides sight visits within Bylakuppe settlement.
First Summer Camp for Monpa Students - 2024
Hits : 547
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-04-26
Sera Jey Monastery in association with Arunachal Buddhist Welfare Association, organized the First Summer Camp for Monpa Students, with Sera Jey Monastery providing all the resources and facilities for the event. Thirty Monpa students are participating in this First Summer Camp organized at Sera Jey Monastery from 22nd April - 12th May 2024.
Yarling Geshe Graduation Ceremony: 2024
Hits : 568
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-04-20
The annual Yarling Geshe Graduation Ceremony for the year 2024 was held from 18 - 20 April 2024. Nine candidates received their Lingse Geshe during the three day graduation ceremony.
Chinese Translation Dept.'s Annual Exam: 2023-24
Hits : 495
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-04-17
Sera Jey Chinese Translation Department's two course program’s Dharma Teaching and Translation’s annual examination for the year 2023-24 was held on 17 April 2024
Special Mass Prayer Ceremony 1st Anniversary:13April2024
Hits : 504
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-04-13
A special mass evening prayer ceremony was conducted in dedication to Venerable Late Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s first anniversary attended by all the sanghas of Sera Jey, on 13 April 2024.
Dedication to Lama Zopa Rinpoche's 1st Anniversary:13Apr2024
Hits : 487
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-04-13
Sera Jey Monastery commemorated Venerable Late Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s first anniversary with a special and extensive Lama Choepa (Guru Puja) Tsok Offering, attended by all the sanghas of Sera Jey, on 13 April 2024.
NIOS Secondary Level Practical Exam 2023-24
Hits : 463
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-03-27
NIOS Study Center at Sera Jey Monastic Institute, conducted the Practical Examination for the Secondary Level, from 11th - 27th March 2024. Students from Sera Jey and other monasteries, Tibetan Settlement and from local village & town have enrolled at the Study Center.
BA Hons (2023-24): 1st S Exam of 1st Yr; 3rd S Exam of 2nd Yr
Hits : 502
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-03-15
The 1st Semester Exam of 1st Year and the 3rd Semester Exam of 2nd Year of the three BA Hons in Ancient Philosophy, Ancient Psychology & Ancient Tibetan Language was held from 11th – 15th March 2024.
Annual Geshe Tsokhram Graudation Ceremony 2024
Hits : 478
Category: Academic
Date: 2024-03-12
The annual Geshe Tsokhram Graduation Ceremony for the year 2024, was held on 11th & 12th March, 2024. Eight candidates were conferred with the Geshe Tsogram title during this graduation.
Tour visit of Administrator at Dechen Choepheling Gonpa 2024
Hits : 463
Category: Monasteries
Date: 2024-03-10
Administrator of Sera Jey Monastery makes a tour visit at the reconstruction of Sera Jey Dechen Choepheling Gonpa in Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement located Gajapti District, Orissa State. This Gonpa (monastery) is being administered by Sera Jey Monastery since 2014 on the recommendation by The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, following the request forwarded by the settlement community & office.
Hayagriva Fire Puja & Tsok Offering Ceremony: Mar2024
Hits : 642
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-03-08
The annual Hayagriva Retreat has commenced from 27th February 2024, and will run upto 7th March 2024. The retreat ceremony will conclude with Hayagriva Fire Puja and Tsog Offering on 8th March 2024. All member monks participate in this sacred retreat with great reverence. Lay devotees also participate in the retreat ceremony with special arrangement venue at the Debate Courtyard.
Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony 2024
Hits : 536
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-02-27
The annual Hayagriva Retreat རྟ་མགྲིན་ཡང་གསང་གི་བསྙེན་པ། has commenced from 27th February 2024, and will run upto 7th March 2024. The retreat ceremony will conclude with Hayagriva Fire Puja and Tsog Offering on 8th March 2024. All member monks participate in this sacred retreat with great reverence. Lay devotees also participate in the retreat ceremony with special arrangement venue at the Debate Courtyard.
Meditation Workshop to School Students from Ladhak - Feb2024
Hits : 357
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-02-26
A two-day workshop on Meditation and Introductory on Buddhism for around sixty school students from Ladhak was organized by Translation Department of Sera Jey Monastery, on 25th & 26th of February 2024.
Annual Guthor Ceremony 2024
Hits : 631
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-02-08
The annual Guthor Ceremony for the year 2024 was held on 8 February 2024, a traditional Tibetan Buddhist cultural event held on the penultimate (29th) day of the closing year, to eliminate any negative obstacles prelude to the Tibetan New Year.The ceremony involves a three day prayer and rituals by a group of monks at the Hayagriva shrine, with the Thorgya (special hand crafted flour cake) incinerated on the final third day.
Phurjel (Hayagriva Ritual Dagger Blessing Ceremony) 2024
Hits : 507
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-02-07
Sera Jey Monastery's annual Phurjel Ceremony ཕུར་མཇལ་ (Hayagriva Ritual Dagger Blessing Ceremony) scheduled every 27th day of the final month in Tibetan lunar calendar, was held on 7th February 2024. Large number of lay devotees have come to receive the blessing of the Tadin Phurja, Hayagriva Ritual Dagger.
Long Life Empowering & Offering Ceremony to H.E. Tri Rinpoche
Hits : 493
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-01-31
On 31st January 2024, H.E. The 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche, Jetsun Geshe Lobsang Tenzin, granted རྗེ་ཚེ་འཛིན་མའི་ཚེ་དབང་། (Long Life Empowering Ceremony), jointly sponsored by Sera Jey Monastery & Venerable Khenchen Rinpoche of Sera Jey Samlo Khangtsen and Venerable Geshe Lobsang Jamphel of Sera Jey Tsethang Khangtsen.Following the Tsewang Ceremony, a བརྟན་བཞུགས། (Long Life Offering Ceremony) to H.E. The 104th Tri Rinpoche was performed, jointly sponsored by the three organizers.
Sangchos Chenmo Prayer Ceremony - Jan 2024
Hits : 509
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2024-01-17
The annual Sanchos Chenmo Prayer Ceremony of Sera Jey for the Tibetan Calendar year 2050 is scheduled for five days, from 7th – 11th Day of the 12th month, (17th – 21st January 2024).This is one of the major annual ceremonies of the monastery, and all the members participate with much devotion. As per the monastery’s tradition, a Debate session takes place in the morning prior to convening for the Sangchos Chenmo prayers.
Science Conference - 14 January 2024
Hits : 555
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-01-14
The commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the founding of Sera Jey Science Centre, formerly inaugurated by His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama in 2013, was celebrated alongside the Inauguration of the new Sera Jey Science & Meditation Centre complex, on 14th January 2024. In the post lunch session, a conference on science was conducted by students of Sera Jey Science Centre.
Inauguration of new Sera Jey Science Centre complex
Hits : 532
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2024-01-14
On 14th January 2024, Sera Jey Monastery, commemorated the 10th anniversary of the founding of Sera Jey Science Centre, which was formerly inaugurated by His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama in 2013, alongside the Inauguration Ceremony of the new “Sera Jey Science Centre” complex. H.E. The 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche, the The Chief Guest, inaugurated the ceremony, with the Ribbon Cutting, in the presence of Venerable Thomthog Rinpoche, Abbot of Namgyal Monastery, Abbot & former Abbot of Sera Jey, heads of other monastic institutes and departments of Sera Jey.Mr. Filippo Scianna, President of Union Buddhist Association, Italy, with the two Vice Presidents, one of the two major sponsors of the project had attended the ceremony. Students & Devotees of Venerable Thomthog Rinpoche’s center in Vietnam, Phendeling, the other major donor of the project, had attended the ceremony. The President of UBI and the Director of Phendeling Centre in Vietnam, Mis. Huoung, addressed the gathering, appreciating the successful completion of the project and their fulfilment.Prof. Lokanath N.K, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of University of Mysore, a Guest of Honor, addressed the gathering, appreciating the project and the objectives & scope of the science centre in infusing the knowledge of ancient Buddhist science with modern science, wherein science and spiritualism could complement each other for the benefit of all human beings.
Churgu Choepa Prayer Ceremony 2023
Hits : 537
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-12-30
Churgu Choepa Prayer Ceremony, in veneration of Jetsunpa’s parinirvana, for the year was held at the most sacred Jangchup Choten, Maha Bodhi Temple, Bodh Gaya, on the evening of 30 December 2023. The presided by HE The 104th Jetsun Gaden Tri Rinpoche and attended by the monastery’s abbot & former abbots, tulkus, geshes, member monk and devotee community.
The Fall Debate School 2023
Hits : 684
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-12-16
The 2nd Fall Debate School was held from 16 November to 16 December 2023. The Fall Debate School at Sera Jey Monastery is a one of a kind opportunity for English speaking individuals to engage in an intensive 30-day training in the profound technique of the Nalanda Tradition of debate. Tibetan Buddhist scholars of philosophy and cognitive science have been using this structured form of logic-based dialogue for the past 1000 years to probe the workings of thought and logic, the characteristics of consciousness, and the fundamental nature of reality itself. For the second consecutive year, a group of energized and dedicated students from around the world (about 25 students from 10 countries) have participated, learning how to use this unique style of debate, learning how to think more clearly and communicate more effectively, while understanding their own minds and worlds using the analytical tools and philosophical insights developed by the Nalanda Tradition.
2nd Tsenphue Damcha of Jang-guen-chos 2023
Hits : 557
Category: Special Events
Date: 2023-12-12
The 2nd night-long (Tsenphue Damcha) Debate Ceremony of the annual Jang-guen-chos (Winter Debate Ceremony) was held at Sera Jey Monastery on 11 December 2023. The ceremony was graced by HE 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche Jetsun Geshe Lobsang Tenzin, before the presence of Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot, former Abbots and Abbots of Sera Mey, Tashi Lhunpo, Gyudmed, and Disciplinarians of Sera Jey & Sera Mey monastery.
Ganden Ngamchos Prayer Ceremony 2023
Hits : 631
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-12-07
The monk community of Sera Jey Monastery, led by the Abbot, Former Abbots, Tulkus, Geshes and member monks convened a special prayer ceremony to commemorate the 604th Parinirvana of Lama Tsong Khapa, on 7th December 2023.
Instatement of new Chief Disciplinarian (Dean): 2023-24
Hits : 611
Category: Appointments
Date: 2023-12-07
As customary to Geluk monastic tradition, Lharmapa Geshe Thupten Yargyal of Jadel Khangtsen the new elected Chief Disciplinarian of Sera Jey Monastery takes over the charge from his predecessor Lharampa Geshe Sonam Paljor Damo, on the Day of Lama Tsong Khapa's Parinirvana, 7th December 2023.
Special Feast Offering: Jang-guen-chos 2023 participants
Hits : 672
Category: Special Events
Date: 2023-12-05
The administration of Sera Jey Monastery organized a special Feast to all the participant pupil monks and faculty members from other Geluk monastic institutes.The 2023 annual three-week long Jang-guen-choe, Winter Debate Ceremony is hosted at Sera Monastery from 25 November 2023.
Jang-guen-choe 2023: Damcha Ceremony 25Nov.2023
Hits : 642
Category: Special Events
Date: 2023-11-25
The annual Jang-guen-choe, (winter-debate-ceremony), for the year 2023 is scheduled at Sera Monastery’s two institutes, Sera Jey & Sera Mey, from 25 November 2023, for a total of 21 days. Pupil monks from the three major Geluk monasteries, Sera, Ganden & Drepung, plus Tashi Lhunpo and other smaller Geluk monasteries, participate in the annual Jang-guen-choe, (winter-debate-ceremony) each year. On 25th November 2023 evening, the first Damcha ceremony was held at Sera Jey Monastery.
1st Internal Exam 2023-24: BA Hons
Hits : 642
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-11-18
Sera Jey Monastic Institute conducted the first Internal Exam for the 1st & 2nd year BA Hons in Ancient Tibetan Language, Ancient Philosophy & Ancient Psychology under the Specialized Programs of University of Mysore from 18 November 2023.
Abbot's Address to BA Hons students: Nov.2023
Hits : 577
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-11-18
Sera Jey Monastery's Abbot, Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsethar, Kalop (Talk) to BA Hons student monks on their new Academic session 2023 - 24 journey, on 18 November 2023 at Sera Jey Lhundup Khangsar Hall.
Student Exchange Program of Translation Dept.: Nov.2023
Hits : 555
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-11-13
A three-day long Educational Exchange Program between Sera Jey English Translation Department and Bangalore Tibetan Youth Hostel was held at Sera Jey Tashi Choeling Centre from 11 – 13 Nov. 2023. It was the 8th exchange program organized between the Sera Jey & Tibetan Youth Hostel, Bangalore.
Lharam Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2023
Hits : 727
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-11-08
The annual Lharam Geshe Graduation Ceremony for the year 2023 was scheduled from 8 – 13, November 2023. This year there were 63 pupil monks graduating the Lharam Geshe, with six days of graduation ceremony. Lharam Geshe is the highest monastic scholastic title awarded after almost 25 years of studies & practice and on successful qualifying the six annual Gelug University's examination. The title is equivalent to Doctorate in Philosophy.
Guenling Geshe Graduation Ceremony - 2023
Hits : 698
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-11-03
The annual Guenling, Winter Lingse Geshe Graduation Ceremony, for the year 2023, of Sera Jey Monastery was scheduled from 2nd November 2023. Eight pupil monks have received the Lingse Geshe graduation during the three day ceremony held between 2nd – 4th November 2023.
Felicitation for Gelug Exam 2023 participants - 25Oct2023
Hits : 638
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-10-25
On 25 October 2023, during the sangha assembly, Sera Jey Monastery felicitated the pupils of the Gelug Monastic University’s Annual Examination 2023 participants, recently held at the three main Gelug Monasteries - Sera, Gaden & Drepung.
Annual Debate Exam 2023
Hits : 677
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-10-19
Sera Jey Monastery’s annual Debate Exam for the year 2023 has commenced from 19 October 2023. The Debate Exam is one of the major amongst the annual exams, with Debate being the crucial learning part of the knowledge and concepts of Buddhist philosophical texts. The Debate Exam takes place amongst each individual class, where each pupil monks would have to present the debate, challenger and defender, on the topics relevant to their course. A panel of judges will evaluate the presentation and allot marks.
Special Mass Prayer for H.H. The Dalai Lama - Oct.2023
Hits : 560
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-10-09
Sera Jey Monastery dedicated a Special Mass Prayer Ceremony for the wellbeing and long life of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama on morning of 9th October 2023. The special mass prayer ceremony was attended by the Abbot, Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Tulkus, Geshes and member monks of Sera Jey.
Inter Religious Leaders Fellowship at EEC: 6Oct.2023
Hits : 567
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-10-06
Four of our pupil monks, led by In-charge of Sera Jey English Translation Department, has participated in the “Inter Religious Leaders Fellowship” organized by Ecumenical Christian Centre, Bangalore, on 6 October 2023. Representatives from various religious background conversed on the theme Journeying Together in Love for Life.
Yangdrub Ritual Ceremony 2023
Hits : 669
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-10-05
The annual Yangdrub Ritual Ceremony for the year 2023, is scheduled from 5th, 6th & 7th October 2023. The three day long ritual ceremony is performed every year to invoke favorable conditions for increasing - prosperity of resources and harvests, success & fulfillment in virtuous endeavors, health & life of all sentient beings, ... etc.
Buddhist Tantric Examination 2023
Hits : 700
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-10-01
The 2nd Batch of the Buddhist Tantric Course for Geshe graduates examination, Debate & Written, was held on 1st October 2023. The monastery’s Abbot and the Disciplinarian witnessed the examination.
Lamrim Teachings by Sera Jey Abbot: 30Sept.2023
Hits : 642
Category: Teachings
Date: 2023-09-30
Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot grants Lamrim Teachings to pupil monks during the morning Debate Session on 30 September 2023. The Abbot grants the Lamrim Teachings to pupil monks at regular intervals.
Annual Memorization Examination 2023
Hits : 733
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-09-03
Sera Jey Monastery’s Annual Oral Recitation Exam is held on 1st & 3rd of September 2023. The oral exam is conducted in writing, to ascertain the accuracy of the pupils understanding and grammar. The exam is based on the course syllabus of respective classes.
Monks participate in Programs at European Universities
Hits : 662
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-08-28
Two student monks from Sera Jey Science Centre, Ven Jampa Soepa and Jampa Thakchoeparticipated at the Exchange Program with University of Pisa, Italy and University of Groningen, Netherlands, during July – August 2023.
Sermon on Monastic Ethics, (Dulwa / Vinaya) 2023
Hits : 683
Category: Teachings
Date: 2023-08-26
Sermon by monastery’s senior monk scholars on Vinaya (Dulwa) Monastic Ethics, for Getsul & Gelong ordained monks, and also to student monks of monastery’s Sera Je Secondary School, was held for three days from 24th – 26th August, 2023, two hours in each session.
Annual Summer Special Memorization Exam: 2023
Hits : 746
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-08-19
The annual Summer Special Memorization Exam was held on 19th August 2023, in the presence of Khen Rinpoche and other heads of our monastery.
Rigchung Debate Ceremony 2023
Hits : 729
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-08-14
The Annual Rigchung Ceremony, also referred as the Minor Debate Ceremony, where sixteen outstanding students from Paramita course after completing the first major part of the Prajnaparamita texts. The ceremony was held for four days from 11th - 14th August, 2023.
Getsul Ordination bestowed by HE Tri Rinpoche: July2023
Hits : 960
Category: Special Events
Date: 2023-07-27
HE Gaden Tri Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin Palsangpo, along with the assistance of monastery’s Abbot and other reverent teachers, bestowed Getsul / Novice (Sramanera) Ordination to more than 200 young monks.
1st BA Hons 2nd Semester Exam - 2023
Hits : 738
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-07-21
The 2nd Semester Examination of the three 1st BA Hons programs, Ancient Tibetan Language, Ancient Philosophy & Ancient Psychology, accredited to University of Mysore’s Specialized Program, was conducted from 17th – 21st July 2023.
Annual Prize Presentation Ceremony: 2023
Hits : 746
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-07-15
Sera Jey Monastery’s Annual Prize Presentation Ceremony for the year 2022 examination of monastery’s main curriculum was held on 14 & 15 July 2023.
SJ Intl. Online School: Summer Camp 2023, Inauguration
Hits : 942
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-07-12
The 2nd Summer School Camp at Sera Jey Tashi Choeling Centre, Sera Jey Monastery, Bylakuppe, India, is underway from 11th - 30th July 2023. The monastery's Abbot inaugurated the 2nd Summer School Camp on the 11th July 2023 morning.
Geshe Rigram Graduation Ceremony: 2023
Hits : 687
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-07-12
The annual Geshe Rigram Graduation Ceremony was held for three days, 9th, 10th & 12th July 2023. Nine candidates received their Geshe scholastic title during this graduation ceremony.
Trungkar: 88th Birthday of HH The Dalai Lama Ceremony
Hits : 961
Category: Special Events
Date: 2023-07-06
Trungkar, His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama’s 88th Birthday Ceremony on 6th July 2023 was presided by the monastery’s Abbot, in the presence of former two Abbots, Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, and monk assembly at the main prayer hall.
Monastery's abbot visit and preside the Guru Bhumtsok
Hits : 848
Category: Centers
Date: 2023-06-06
Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot visits Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center at New York, his first visit since being enthroned in September 2022. During this visit, the abbot presides the annual Guru Bhumtsok Prayer Ceremony, grants Empowerment Ceremonies and Teachings during the sacred Saka Dawa month from May 26 to June 6, 2023.
SJ NIOS Special Study Center: Promotional Program 3June2023
Hits : 790
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-06-03
Sera Jey NIOS Special Study Center organized a Promotional Program on 3 June 2023, where the Regional Director of NIOS Bangalore, Shri. V. Swaminathan, was the Chief Guest. The program was attended by the monastery’s Dean (Chief Disciplinarian), Administrator and NIOS enrolled students and others.
7th Weekly Dedication for late Lama Zopa Rinpoche: 31May2023
Hits : 756
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-05-31
On 31st May 2023, Sera Jey Monastery’s sangha community and FPMT’s Resident Teachers performed a grand full three-session Hayagriva Prayer Ritual Ceremony 100,000 Tsog Offering, for the 7th Weekly, 49th Day dedication for Late Lama Thupten Zopa Rinpoche, for his swift reincarnation for the benefit of Buddha Dharma and devotee communities worldwide.
6th Weekly Dedication for late Lama Zopa Rinpoche: 24May2023
Hits : 669
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-05-24
On the 6th Weekly, dedication for Late Lama Thupten Zopa Rinpoche sanga community of Sera Jey Monastery led by the Abbot, recited the Shantideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra, Mañjuśrī-Nāma-Saṃgīti and Tsongkhapa's Praise of Dependent Arising, on 24th May 2023.
5th Weekly Dedication for late Lama Zopa Rinpoche: 17May2023
Hits : 745
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-05-17
On 17th May 2023, Sangha members of Sera Jey recited “Shantideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra, Mañjuśrī-Nāma-Saṃgīti and Tsongkhapa's Praise of Dependent Arising” for Late Guru Kyabje Lama Thupten Zopa Rinpoche’s 5th Weekly Dedication.
4th Weekly Dedication for late Lama Zopa Rinpoche: 10May2023
Hits : 736
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-05-10
The 4th Weekly Dedication Prayers for late Venerable Lama Thupten Zopa Rinpoche was observed by sangha members of Sera Jey Monastery led by Khensur Rinpoche Tenzin Jampa Choesang with the recitation of Shantideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra, Mañjuśrī-Nāma-Saṃgīti and Tsongkhapa's Praise of Dependent Arising, on 10 May 2023.
3rd Weekly Dedication for late Lama Zopa Rinpoche: 3May2023
Hits : 759
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-05-03
Sangha member monks of Sera Jey Monastery observed the 3rd Week Dedication Prayers for late Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche on 3rd May 2023. Led by Venerable Khensur Rinpoche Lobsang Delek, sangha members recited Shantideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra, Mañjuśrī-Nāma-Saṃgīti and Tsongkhapa's Praise of Dependent Arising.
Yarling Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2023
Hits : 698
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-05-01
The annual Yarling Geshe Graduation Ceremony has commenced on 1st May 2023. This graduation ceremony will be held for three days - 1st, 3rd & 4th May 2023. Nine candidates will be receiving the Geshe scholastic title during this Yarling Geshe Ceremony.
2nd Weekly Dedication for late Lama Zopa Rinpoche: 26Apr2023
Hits : 970
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-04-26
Sangha members of Sera Jey Monastery recited Shantideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra, Mañjuśrī-Nāma-Saṃgīti and Tsongkhapa's Praise of Dependent Arising during the Second Weekly Dedication Prayers for our late Guru Kyabje Lama Thupten Zopa Rinpoche, on 26th April 2023.
Visit of TPIE's Hon'ble Speaker: 26 April 2023
Hits : 809
Category: Special Events
Date: 2023-04-26
Venerable Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Hon’ble Speaker of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile paid a visit to Sera Jey Monastery during his official tour of the settlement. He was accompanied by the two Representatives of Lugsam and Delar settlement offices.
Day 7 Dedication Prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche - 19Apr2023
Hits : 887
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-04-19
On Day 7, 19th April 2023, the entire sangha members of Sera Jey led by Khensur Rinpoche performed Guru Puja (Lama Choepa) Tsog Offering Ceremony, to commemorate Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche on the 1st Seventh Day of Parinirvan.
Day 6 Dedication Prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche - 18Apr2023
Hits : 712
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-04-18
On Day 6, 18th April, all Tulkus and Geshes of Sera Jey Monastery performed Medicine Buddha Sutra Rituals at the main temple for Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche's swift return to benefit all sentient beings. In the evening sangha members recited the text "Essence of True Eloquence".
Day 5 Dedication Prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche - 17Apr2023
Hits : 690
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-04-17
On Day- 5, 17th April 2023, in the morning all Tulkus and Geshes of Sera Jey Monastery performed the Rituals of 35 Confession Buddhas at the main temple. And in the evening sangha members recited the text "Essence of True Eloquence" in dedication to Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche.
Day 4 Dedication Prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche - 16Apr2023
Hits : 2103
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-04-16
Day 4, 16th April 2023, all Tulkus and Geshes of Sera Jey Monastery performed Yamantak Ekavira Self-Iinitiation Prayer Ceremony for Venerable Zopa Rinpoche's swift return to benefit all sentient beings. In the evening monk community recited the text "Essence of True Eloquence"
Day 3 Dedication Prayers for Lama Zopa Rinpoche - 15Apr2023
Hits : 707
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-04-15
On Day 3, 15th April 2023, all Tulkus and Geshes of Sera Jey Monastery, performed an extensive Hayagriva Self-Initiation Prayer Ceremony in dedication to Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche. And in the evening all the sangha members recited the text "Essence of True Eloquence" and students of SJSS are reciting Aspirational Prayers.
Dedication Prayers for Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche - 13Apr2023
Hits : 648
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-04-13
Special Mass Prayer Ceremonies were held at Sera Jey Monastery in dedication to Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche entering into Parinirvan on 13 April 2023. The ceremony was led by H.E. 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche in the presence of ex Abbot, Abbot, Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Tulkus and member monks. Lama Zopa Rinpoche, was one of the chief patron and supporter of Sera Jey Monastery’s food program, and has dedicated enormously towards Buddha Dharma and the preservation of Mahayana Tradition through FPMT.
Tsokhram Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2023
Hits : 756
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-03-29
The Tsokhram Geshe Graduation Ceremony is scheduled from 29th – 31st March 2023. Eight candidates will receive their Geshe title in this year’s Tsokhram Graduation ceremony.
Hayagriva Tsog Offering Ceremony - 2023
Hits : 675
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-03-25
The Hayagriva Tsog Offering Ceremony was held at the monastery's main temple in the afternoon, after the Hayagriva Fire Puja Ceremony in the morning on the final day of the Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony on 25 March 2023. The Ceremony was presided by the Abbot in the presence of the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Tulkus, Geshes and member monks.Large number of lay devotees has attended the ceremony.
Hayagriva Fire Puja Ceremony - 2023
Hits : 869
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-03-25
The special grand Hayagriva Fire Puja on completion of the 10 daylong Hayagriva Retreat was held on the morning of 25th March 2023. The monastery’s abbot presided the Fire Puja Ceremony with the head monk of Hayagriva Ritual Performing team, attended by the monk assembly. May lay devotees has attended the ceremony.
Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony - 2023
Hits : 753
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-03-16
The annual Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony 2023 རྟ་མགྲིན་ཡང་གསང་གི་བསྙེན་པ། of Sera Jey Monastery is scheduled from 15th – 25th March 2023. All resident monks of Sera Jey participate in this retreat ceremony with great reverence. The retreat will be concluded with a special Hayagriva Fire Puja on the final day 25th March 2023.
Visit of School for International Training (SIT): 1Mar2023
Hits : 822
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-03-01
On 1st of March 2023, The Directors and science scholars of Sera Jey Science Center hosted a delegation of students from School for International Training (SIT) World Learning as SIT Study Abroad Program, and organized a very informative and productive Interaction session with the students. The discussion covered various topics from ancient Buddhist philosophical and practice concept and thoughts and the western sciences; The Brain, Mind and Consciousness, Rebirth and Karma theory, Monastic life, connection between the Darwin theory of evolution & The Wheel of life, and Quantum Mechanics and the Buddhist physical world.
Losar Tibetan New Year Ceremony 2023
Hits : 935
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-02-21
The Losar Ceremony was held on the early morning hours of 21st February 2023, the 1st day of new Tibetan Water Hare Year 2150. The ceremony was presided by the Abbot in the presence of Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Department & Khangtsen heads, with the offering of scarf to His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama’s portrait. It was followed by a prayer ceremony at the main temple by the sangha assembly and serving of Sweet Rice & Tea and Khapses.
Guthor Ritual Ceremony 2023
Hits : 763
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-02-19
Sera Jey Monastery’s annual Gutor Chenmo Ceremony was performed on the 29th day of 12th Month of Tibetan Lunar Calendar, 19 February 2023, after three days of extensive prayers & rituals by the monastery’s Hayagriva Ritual performing members.
Phurjel: Hayagriva Ritual Dagger Blessing Ceremony 2023
Hits : 693
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-02-17
The Phurjel, Hayagriva Ritual Dagger Blessing Ceremony held every 27th day of the last Tibetan Lunar calendar month, was held on 17 February 2023. The monastery’s Abbot dedicates prayers and meditation for couple of days ahead of the blessing ceremony. Monks and lay devotees take the auspicious opportunity to receive the blessings on that special day.
Sangchos Monlam Chenmo Prayer Ceremony 2023
Hits : 700
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2023-02-06
The annual Sanchos Monlam Prayer Ceremony, in commemoration of revered Jetsun Choekyi Gyaltsen’s anniversary, was scheduled from, 2nd – 6th February 2023.
Annual Written Examination 2022-23
Hits : 720
Category: Academic
Date: 2023-02-01
The annual Writing Examination of respective classes for the year was held on 31st January and 1st February 2023
Visit of Lamdon Model School, Leh Ladhak: 1 Feb. 2023
Hits : 635
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2023-02-01
Sera Jey Monastery’s abbot granted a visit audience and talk at Sera Jey Tashi Choeling, to students of Lamdon Model School, Leh Ladhak, on 1st February 2023. About 35 middle & high school students with the teachers were on a monthlong educational tour to Monasteries in South India, to receive workshops on Tibetan language, Buddhist Dialectic, Philosophy & Science. Director of SJ Modern Education Department and Ven. Yeshi Phuntsok, teaching staff of SJ International Online School gave a on secular values of compassion & kindness.
Instatement of new Chief Disciplinarian (Dean): 2022-23
Hits : 812
Category: Appointments
Date: 2022-12-18
The instatement ceremony of Sera Jey Monastery's new Chief Disciplinarian (Dean) was held on 18 December 2022, the 25th day of the 10th Tibetan month of year 2149. The new Chief Disciplinarian Geshe Sonam Paljor Damo took charge of his responsibility from the outgoing Chief Disciplinarian Geshe Nyima Tsering.The two Assistant Disciplinarians were also instated during the ceremony. The Chief and the two Assistant Disciplinarians will administer their responsibility for a term of one year.
Yamantaka Initiation by H.E. 104th Gaden Tripa: 17Dec2022
Hits : 937
Category: Teachings
Date: 2022-12-17
H.E. 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche granted Yamantaka Initiation at the main prayer hall of Sera Jey Monastery on 17 December 2022, following the conclusion of teachings on - “Golden Rosery of Knowledge” by Lama Tsong Khapa; and “Abi Samaya Alankar” with “Clear Description of Abisamaya Alankar” by Pundit Senge Sangpo, between 4th – 16th December 2022.
Teachings by HE 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche - Dec.2022
Hits : 1134
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-12-04
Live Streaming of Teachings by H.E. 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche on - “Golden Rosery of Knowledge” by Lama Tsong Khapa; and “Abi Samaya Alankar” with “Clear Description of Abisamaya Alankar” by Pundit Senge Sangpo, Date: 4th – 16th December 2022Time: 02.00 pm IST Facebook: https://fb.watch/hc8VqWovin/ English and Chinese translation of the Teachings ZOOM Link for English Translation:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84776526741... Meeting ID: 847 7652 6741Passcode: 269033 ZOOM for Chinese Translation:Meeting ID: 8517411685Passcode: 999666尊貴的至尊 104任甘丹赤仁波切的法會(2022/12/4-16)中文翻譯網址。Zoom:8517411685password:999666 Administration OfficeSera Jey Monastery, Bylakuppe, India
4th International Vinaya Conference: Day 1
Hits : 839
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-12-01
Day 1 of the 4th International Vinaya Conference – 2022, organized by Sera Jey Monastery, scheduled from 1st – 3rd December 2022, has the participation of eminent speakers from different Buddhist traditions, Thailand, India, Taiwan, Burma, Bangladesh and Tibetan. The three day International Vinaya Conference will delve on "Sanghadisesa" (Sangha Residue Offence) and customs practiced in respective traditions.
4th International Vinaya Conference: Inauguration Day
Hits : 939
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-12-01
The 4th International Vinaya Conference – 2022, organized by Sera Jey Monastery, scheduled from 1st – 3rd December 2022, has the participation of eminent speakers from different Buddhist traditions, Thailand, India, Taiwan, Burma, Bangladesh and Tibetan. The three day International Vinaya Conference will delve on "Sanghadisesa" (Sangha Residue Offence) and customs practiced in respective traditions. It is the endeavour of Sera Jey Monastery, in line with His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama’s vision to foster better understanding and respect of the different Buddhist traditions.
Teachings by HE 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche - Dec.2022
Hits : 976
Category: Teachings
Date: 2022-12-01
Teachings by H.E. 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche on - “Golden Rosery of Knowledge” by Lama Tsong Khapa; and “Abi Samaya Alankar” with “Clear Description of Abisamaya Alankar” by Pundit Senge Sangpo at Sera Jey Monastery, from 4 – 16 December, 2022.
The Fall Debate 2022' Debate Session: 30 Nov. 2022
Hits : 926
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-11-30
The Fall Debate 2022 is the first of its kind Debate Workshop, of one month long, organized by Sera Jey Monastery at Sera Jey Tashi Choeling Centre from 24 November – 24 December 2022. Thirty participants were enrolled in this first Fall Debate 2022. More information on the program can be found at https://debateschool.org/
Annual Science Exam: 2022
Hits : 934
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-11-24
The annual Science Examination for the four classes of the four-year course and for the Special Course for the year 2022, was held on 24 November 2022
Special Prayer Offering by 22nd Administration Committee
Hits : 855
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-11-19
The previous & 22nd Administration Committee of Sera Jey Monastery made special Prayer Offering dedicated for the well-being of His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama, on 19 November 2022. The prayer ceremony was attended by the entire monk community of Sera Jey.
Tantra Examination for Geshe Graduate: 2022
Hits : 873
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-11-19
The first batch of the newly instituted Buddhist Tantra Course for Geshe graduates in June 2022, was held on 19 November 2022.The tantra course for Geshe graduates was lately introduced in the monastery’s curriculum. It is intended to enrichcandidates tantra knowledge in addition to their indepth knowledge in sutras.
Guenling Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2022
Hits : 906
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-11-16
The annual Guenling (Winter Lingse) Graduation Ceremony of the year 2022 was scheduled from 14 – 16 November 2022. Nine pupils received their Geshe title during this winter graduation ceremony.
Opening Ceremony - Lharampa Debate Hall
Hits : 729
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-11-14
Opening ceremony of Sera Jey Monastic University's newly constructed Lharampa’ Debate Hall by the 22nd monastery’s Administration Committee was held on 14th November 2022. The ceremony was graced by the Abbot, Chief Disciplinarian and Chant Master, under the organization of 22nd administration members.
Annual Debate Examination 2022
Hits : 819
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-10-30
Sera Jey Monastic University's annual Buddhist philosophical Debate examination for the year 2022 has commenced on 30th October 2022. It is the major of the four annual examinations in the monastery’s main curriculum. The debate examination is conducted also for Sera Jey Secondary School students of class VI and above.
Yangdrub Ceremony 2022
Hits : 1025
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-10-29
Sera Jey Monastery's annual Yangdrub Ritual Prayer Ceremony was held from 27th – 29th October 2022. The special ceremony was presided by Monastery's Abbot Kyabje Khen Rinpoche and former Abbot Kyabje Khensur Rinpoche with the participation of Disciplinarian, Chant Master, senior monks and Hayagriva Ritual Committee members. This annual ceremony is dedicated through special Prayer and Rituals invoking purification, accomplishment and prosperity for human/sentient beings, environment and the universe as a whole.
Visit of Gelukpa Heads at Jamyang Choekhorling Gonpa
Hits : 810
Category: Monasteries
Date: 2022-10-28
Sera Jey Mon Jamyang Choekhorling Gonpa extended a very warm Welcome Ceremony to the three main Gelukpa heads - H.E. 104th Gaden Tri-Rinpoche, H.E. Shartse Choeje & H.E. Jangtse Choeje on 28th October 2022. The three excellencies were on a spiritual visit to various monasteries in the Monyul region. Gaden Tri Rinpoche Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin granted empowerment on 27th to the general public, organised by Jamyang Choekhorling Gonpa. And later Tri Rinpoche paid a visit to main temple and observed a debate session by monk students.
First meeting of BA Hons' Board of Studies Members: 22Oct2022
Hits : 799
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-10-22
Members of Sera Jey Specialised Programmes’ Board of Studies had their first meeting at Dr. Daniel, Chairman of BoS, at his department office at University of Mysore on 22nd October 2022. Dr. Daniel, is the appointed Chairman of Board of Studies of the Specialized BA Hons by University of Mysore.
Inauguration of BA Hons Specialised Program: 21Oct2022
Hits : 750
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-10-21
The Inaugural Ceremony for the instituting of Specialized “B.A.Honors programs” it three disciplines – i) ancient Tibetan Language, ii) ancient Philosophy, iii) Ancient 'Psychology, under University of Mysore, was held on 21st October 2022. The ceremony was graced by Shri Pema Khando - Hon'ble CM of Arunachal Pradesh, the Chief Guest, and other Guest of Honour - Ms. Rinchen Lhamo - Member of National Commission for Minorities, Government of India, Shri. Prof. G. Hemantha Kumar - VC of University of Mysore and H.E. Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar - Maharaja of Mysore, besides Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot – Khen Rinpoche Geshe Tashi Tsethar. Other invited guests include CTA Representatives and respective department heads of the two Bylakuppe settlements, NGO’ representatives and heads of Sera Jey Monastery’s department and khangtsens.
Shri Pema Khandu, CM visits Prayer Hall & Debate Session
Hits : 794
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-10-20
Shri Pema Khandu - Hon'ble Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh visits main Prayer Hall and offers prayer, followed by a visit to Sera Jey Monastic University's evening Buddhist Philosophical debate classes. Sera Jey Abbot hosted a dinner for the CM and entourage later in the evening.
Welcome Reception to Shri Pema Khandu, CM: 20Oct2022
Hits : 716
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-10-20
A Grand Welcome Reception was extended to Shri Pema Khandu - Hon'ble Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh & entourage by Sera Jey Monastery, represented by Abbot, Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Administrator and CTA – Chief Representative, Representatives of two Bylakuppe settlements and other department heads of Sera Jey.
Special Lunch hosted to Lama Zopa Rinpoche:14Oct2022
Hits : 857
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-10-14
Kyabje Lama Thupten Zopa Rinpoche was hosted a special lunch by Sera Jey Monastery after the “Tenshuk (Long Life Prayer Offering)” & “Gratitude Award” Ceremony on 14th October 2022, attended by the monastery’s Abbot, Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Administration members and Kopan House Incharge - Geshe Ngawang Sangye. Later Rinpoche visited the newly renovated Administration Office of Sera Jey Monastery.
Tenshuk & Gratitude Award to Zopa Rinpoche: 14Oct2022
Hits : 845
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-10-14
On 14th October 2022, Sera Jey Monastery offered Tenshuk (Long Life Prayer Ceremony) and a “Gratitude Award” to Venerable Lama Zopa Rinpoche, in honour and gratitude for his immense contribution to Buddha Dharma through his global network of the esteemed FPMT, that has undertaken several social and cultural projects besides its spiritual mission benefiting several sections of societies & communities and devotees alike in the past several decades. Rinpoche has been the principal patron in funding the Sera Jey Monastery's food program since 1991, and for establishing the Food Fund in the year 2016. This year marks the 30th year of Rinpoche & FPMT’s patronage to Sera Jey Monastery.
Annual Memorisation Exam: 2022
Hits : 960
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-09-15
Sera Jey Monastic University's annual memorization examination for the year 2022 was held from 12 – 15 September 2022. The memorization exam is taken in the written form to ascertain pupil’s proper understanding of the topic and the language grammar. The monastery's Abbot, Chief Disciplinarian and Chant master made inspection rounds at exam venues. The Board of Examination members conducted the examination.
MoU Signing & Exchange Ceremony: 10 Sept. 2022
Hits : 918
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-09-10
Following the enthronement ceremony of the new 77th Abbot, Geshe Tashi Tsethar, the signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between Sera Jey Monastic Institute and Tumkur University by the respective heads, Abbot Geshe Tashi Tsering of SJMI and Vice Chancellor Prof M Venkateshwaralu, was held at Sera Jey Lhundrub Khangsar Hall on 10 September 2022 at 2.00 pm. This was followed by exchange of MoU between Sera Jey Monastic Institute and University of Mysore, by Abbot Geshe Tashi Tsering of SJMI andProf. R. Shivappa, Registrar of University of Mysore. The occasion also witnessed the book launch ceremony of Kannada language translation of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s book, “Kindness, Clarity and Insight” by Tumkur University. And the launch of the English translation of Khedrub Je’s work brought out as “Freedom Through Correct Knowing” by Sera Jey English Translation Department.
Enthronement Ceremony of the new 77th Abbot
Hits : 1006
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-09-10
The new 77th Abbot of Sera Jey Monastery enthronement (investure) ceremony was held on 10 September 2022 at the main Temple (Prayer Hall of Sera Jey Monastery). Geshe Tashi Tsethar of Sera Jey Drati Khangtsen the appointed 77th Abbot as per the Appointment Decree Letter by His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, was enthroned during this special ceremony in the presence of former abbot of Sera Jey Monastery, Abbots of Sera Mey Monastery, Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, Gyudmed Tantric Monastery, Kasur, Members of TPIE, Settlement Representatives, NGO’s heads, Sera Jey Khangtsen Representatives, Department Heads, guests and member monks.
Annual Summer Special Memorization Exam: 2022
Hits : 893
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-08-29
The annual Summer Special Memorization Exam 2022 was held on 29th August 2022. The monastery’s Abbot, Disciplinarian, Chant Master and designated Geshes conducted the memorization examination.
Workshop: Role of Spirituality in Medical Field, 27Aug2022
Hits : 853
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-08-28
Sera Jey IGNOU Study Centre organized a two-day workshop on “Role of Spirituality in Medical Field” for Tibetan nursing students of Mangalore & Mysore, on 27th & 28th August 2022 at Sera Jey Yiga Choeling Centre.
Visit of H.E. Ling Choktrul Rinpoche: 27 August 2022
Hits : 916
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-08-27
H.E. Ling Choktrul Rinpoche paid a visit to Sera Jey Monastery on 27th August 2022. The monastery’s Abbot, Disciplinarian, Chant master and Chief Administrator and his colleagues accorded a warm welcome to Rinpoche and hosted a special lunch.
Handing over Ceremony: 77th Abbot’s Appointment Letter
Hits : 1019
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-08-26
On the morning of 25th August 2022, the official handing over ceremony of His Holiness The Dalai Lama’s “Letter of Appointment Decree” of Sera Jey Monastery’s 77th Abbot, by the monastery’s Chief Administrator to the new appointed Abbot Drati Geshe Tashi Tsetharwas held at the latter’s private residence. The ceremony was attended by the monastery’s Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Sera Lachi Administrators, Sera Jey Administrators, Khangtsen Masters and Department Heads. The official enthronement (investure) ceremony of the new 77th Abbot and Chairman of the Monastery will be held at the Monastery’s Main Prayer Hall on 10th Sept 2022 .
Official residence leaving ceremony of 76th Abbot: 25Aug2022
Hits : 879
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-08-25
In the early morning of 25 August 2022, the 76th Abbot’s official residence leaving ceremony to the private residence was performed, led by the monastery’s Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Administration Committee Members, Khangtsen Masters & Department Heads.
Rigchung Debate Ceremony 2022 - Day 4
Hits : 875
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-08-24
The 4th Day of the annual Rigchung Ceremony, the smaller (junior) debate ceremony was held on 24th August 2022.
Rigchung Debate Ceremony 2022 - Day 3
Hits : 790
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-08-23
The 3rd Day of the annual Rigchung Ceremony, the smaller (junior) debate ceremony was held on 23rd August 2022.
Rigchung Debate Ceremony 2022 - Day 2
Hits : 865
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-08-22
The 2nd Day of the annual Rigchung Ceremony, the smaller (junior) debate ceremony was held on 22nd August 2022.
Special Mass Prayer - 21 August 2022
Hits : 796
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-08-21
Sera Jey Monastery performed a Special Mass Prayer in the evening of 21st August 2022 in dedication for alleviating the severe infectious ailment that are reported to be prevailing in many provinces of Tibet, which has made the condition of people life in Tibet more difficult & hard. The mass prayer was presided by the monastery’s abbot and dedicated for good favourable condition to prevail to the health, life and condition of people in the affected regions of Tibet and elsewhere around the world.
Rigchung Debate Ceremony 2022 - Day 1
Hits : 742
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-08-21
The annual Rigchung Ceremony, the smaller (junior) debate ceremony, held each year on the 25th day from the 6th Tibetan calendar month, commenced from 21st August 2022. This is a ceremonial debate for class stage - Surkol Sarpa (Paramita III), on completion of their two year study on Shung (basis of Prajna Paramita / Perfection of Wisdom). Where 16 pupils are nominated on merit, for performing the debate before the sangha assembly during for four day ceremony.The topics of debate are –1) རིགས།……………Buddha Nature.3) ཆོས་འཁོར།........... Turning the wheel of Dharma.3) སྦྱོར་ལམ།…………་Preparatory Path.4) ཡང་དག་མཐའ།….. Ultimate Reality.5) བྱམས་གཞུང་།…… .Maitreya Text.6) སྐྱབས་གསུམ།……… Three Refuge.7) བཀའ་བསྟན་བཅོས།….Buddha’s Canon and its commentaries.8)སེམས་བསྐྱེད།……… Generation of mind of enlightenment.
Offerings to sangha members by monastery's Abbot - 8Aug2022
Hits : 760
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-08-18
Sera Jey Monastery's Chairman and Abbot Tenzin Choesang Rinpoche today hosted a Prayer Puja and Meal and other Offerings for all sangha members at the monastery’s main temple.During the prayer offering, the monastery’s Chief Disciplinarian recounted Khen Rinpoche's endeavours & accomplishments, making a special dedication and thanking Rinpoche for successfully administering his Abbotship tenure. We sincerely thank Khen Rinpoche and pray for his well-being and success in his future endeavours without any obstacles.
7th Student Exchange Program of Translation Dept.
Hits : 833
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-08-16
The 7th Student Exchange Program between the monk students of Sera Jey Monastery’s Translation Department and college students of Tibetan Youth Hostel, Bangalore, was held on 15th & 16th of August 2022 at the latter’s campus at Bangalore. The topic of this exchange program were on the “Four Principal Commitments of His Holiness the Dalai Lama”.
Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony: 2022 - 3rd Day
Hits : 738
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-08-14
The 3rd day of Sera Jey Monastery’s annual Prize Distribution Ceremony was held on 6 August 2022. Prizes were awarded for the meritorious students in the four main examinations in the academic year 2021. The ceremony concluded with scarf offering to the Abbot, Disciplinarian, Chant Master and Philosophy Teachers / Instructors.
Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony: 2022 - 2nd Day
Hits : 723
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-08-05
The 2nd day of Sera Jey Monastery’s annual Prize Distribution Ceremony was held on 5 August 2022. Prizes were awarded for the meritorious students in the four main examinations in the academic year 2021. The ceremony was graced by the monastery’s Abbot, Disciplinarian and Chant Master; and was organized by the monastery’s Administration & Board of Examinations.
Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony: 2022
Hits : 879
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-08-04
Sera Jey Monastery’s annual Prize Distribution Ceremony was held on 4 August 2022. Prizes were awarded for the meritorious students in the four main examinations in the academic year 2021. The ceremony was graced by the monastery’s Abbot, Disciplinarian and Chant Master; and was organized by the monastery’s Administration & Board of Examinations.
SJ Intl. Online School: Summer Camp 2022, Closing Ceremony
Hits : 965
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-07-30
The Closing Ceremony of Sera Jey International Online School's Summer Camp 2022 was held on 30th July 2022 at Sera Jey Tashi Choeling Centre, organized by Sera Jey Online Tibetan Language Class. The participants of the Summer Camp, children of Tibetan Diaspora, had the opportunity of experiencing different aspects on Tibetan culture, from language to Buddhism, arts to food and life in Tibetan community in exile. The participant students performed Tibetan cultural dances which they have learnt during this 20 day summer camp.The Chief Guest, H.E. Jangtse Choeje Rinpoche and Sera Jey Monastery's Abbot presented Certificate of Participation to the students, teachers, organizers and staffs.
special Class on Tibetan Astrology commences
Hits : 868
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-07-28
Under Sera Jey Modern Education Department’s program, a special class on Tibetan Astrology has commenced on 28 July 2022 for Geshes and monk students by tutor Geshe Jashung Ludup, a learned scholar in Tibetan Grammar, Philology, Poem & Astrology. The program is part of Sera Jey Monastery’s objective of preservation and education of Tibet’s rich culture.
Rigram Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2022
Hits : 919
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-07-18
The Rigram Geshe Graduation Ceremony for the year 2022 is scheduled from 18, 20 & 21 July 2022. During this three day graduation ceremony three candidates will be receiving the Rigram Geshe.
SJ Intl. Online School: Summer Camp 2022, Inauguration
Hits : 1064
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-07-11
The first Summer Camp (2022) of Sera Jey International Online School was inaugurated at SJ Tashi Choeling Centre Auditorium on 11 July 2022. This first Summer Camp 2022 is a 20 day long event, scheduled from 11 - 30 July, specifically organized for children of Tibetan Diaspora with an objective to provide an opportunity to get a feel and experience real Tibetan and Buddhist culture that they are devoid. About 60 students are enrolled in this first Summer Camp 2022. Sera Jey International Online School conducts online coaching for children of Tibetan diaspora with an objective to provide coaching in Tibetan Language & Buddhist Culture to children of Tibetan diaspora, to preserve ones language and culture. The online school was formally commenced from 10 December 2020.
SJ Higher Education Scholarship Grant 2022
Hits : 886
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2022-07-07
The 8th Kadrin Jedren Lobyon, Sera Jey Higher Education Scholarship for needy students from the two Tibetan Settlements in Bylakuppe, was released during the 87th Birthday of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama’s official public celebration ceremony at Bylakuppe on 6 July 2022. Twenty students received the scholarship grant of INR 30,000 (Thirty thousand) for the year 202-23 academic session. Details of the 20 scholarship recipients - JPEG PDF Besides, Sera Jey Monastery granted Financial Assistance of INR 10,000 (Ten thousand) to three needy old-aged individuals from the two Tibetan settlements in Bylakuppe, as part of Sera Jey Monastery’s social & educational community service program founded in gratitude for His Holiness The Dalai Lama’s immeasurable kindness.
Trungkar: 87th Birthday of HH The Dalai Lama Ceremony
Hits : 977
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-07-06
Sera Jey Monastery held its official Trungkar, His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama's 87th Birthday celebration ceremony, in the morning of 6th July 2022 with prayer offerings and cake cutting ceremony. The Chief Disciplinarian presided the celebration ceremony in the presence the Chant Master, Administration Committee and respective department & Khangtsen heads.
Special Hayagriva Ritual Ceremony - 24June2022
Hits : 856
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-06-24
Sera Jey Monastery performed a special Tadin Tsok-kong, Hayagriva Ritual Ceremony, on 24th June 2022, in dedication for - the long life of His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama, for the preservation and longevity of Buddha Dharma; and also for the World Peace ,cessation of conflicts & wars, and averting of famine, natural disasters & diseases.This special Hayagriva Ritual Ceremony was performed by Tulkus and Geshes alongside with the full participation of Hayagriva Ritual Committee
Rabne Chenmo Prayer Ceremony - 2022
Hits : 1028
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-06-14
Sera Jey Monastery's Annual Rabned Chenmo Prayer, "The Rain of Virtue and Goodness", the great consecration ceremony through Hayagriva was performed during the auspicious month of Saka Dawa.
Du-sang Prayer and Tsog Offering
Hits : 1052
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-06-14
On the Auspicious Occasion of Buddha- Purnima Day, Sera Jey Monastery performed Du-Sang Prayer - an Auspicious Prayer followed by a Tsok Offering through Guru Puja.
visit of Sakya Trichen & Trizin Rinpoche at SJBCC, New York
Hits : 958
Category: Centers
Date: 2022-06-10
Visit of H.E. Sakya Trichen Rinpoche and 42nd Sakya Trizen Rinpoche at Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center, New York. Venerable Pari Rinpoche the head lama of the center, Sera Jey Monastery’s Chief Administrator Geshe Ngawang Jangchup, resident Geshes and Board Members accord a warm welcome at the center, and offered Mendal followed by a Meal offering.
Inauguration - Tantra Course for post Geshe curriculum
Hits : 1023
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-06-10
Sera Jey Monastery today on 10th June 2022 inaugurated the Tantra Course. This new course is a six-month Tantric course, introduced for post Geshe curriculum studies, after completing the – i) Tantric course at either of the two – Gyudmed Tantric Monastery or Gyutoe Tantric Monastery, ii) followed by one year of Prayer / Puja service assignment. This new curriculum is intended to provide a wider understanding and practice of the Buddhist Tantra discipline for the graduating scholars.
Tsi_shag Ceremony: 2022
Hits : 1066
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-06-03
Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot presided the annual Tsi-shag Ceremony for the year 2022. It is a memorization test conducted within respective classes.
visit of Sikyong, CTA President: 31 May 2022
Hits : 945
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-05-31
Sera Jey Monastery’s abbot and administration extended a warm welcome to Sikyong Penpa Tsering lak, CTA President, at Sera Jey during his official tour visits to the two settlements of Bylakuppe.
Inauguration - NIOS Study Centre M08059
Hits : 1085
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-05-21
Sera Jey NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) Study Centre, Secondary level, M08059 was inaugurated on 21st May 2022 at Sera Jey Tashi Choeling Centre Auditorium. The abbot, Tenzin Choesang Rinpoche was the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour for the ceremony were Shri V. Sathish, Regional Director (Adm), NIOS Regional Centre Bangalore and Dr. Hemamalini HC, Asstt. Regional Director, IGNOU Bangalore Regional Centre; the Chief Representative of South Zone Tibetan settlements and the Representatives of the two Tibetan settlement Office were the Special Guests. The Chief Guest, two Guests of Honour and the Special Guests addressed the Ceremony. During the ceremony IGNOU graduation certificates were presented to respective candidates by the guests.
Yarling Geshe Ceremony 2022
Hits : 1027
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-05-12
The annual Yar-ling Geshe Ceremony for the year 2022 is scheduled from 12 – 14 May 2022. This is the Summer Lingse Geshe Ceremony. Eight pupil monks will be graduating the Lingse Geshe during this three day ceremony.
Covid-19 Precaution Dose drive: 4 May 2022
Hits : 1030
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2022-05-04
Sera Jey Monastery and its Health Care Committee Department organized a mass Covid-19 Precaution Dose drive for monk community at Sera Jey Monastery on 4th May 2022. A total of two thousand, one hundred & eleven (2111) monks in the age group of 45 to 59 and 18 to 44 were vaccinated during this program. The monastery and its monk community extend its heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to sponsors in funding the program.
Chamsing Wang : 2 May 2022
Hits : 1047
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-05-02
H.E. The 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche, Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin grants Chamsing Wang on the third & final day of the Hayagriva Initation ceremony that was graciously extended to monk and lay devotees at Sera Jey Monastery from 30 April – 2 May 2022. On behalf of our monastery’s abbot, Ex Abbots, Tulkus and Geshes, the administration gratefully express our profound appreciation & respect to H.E. The 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche, the organizing committee including the two Translation Departments and others who have supported in live streaming the program in Zoom with translation. Their service has helped us in reaching the sacred ceremony to our dharma centers and other devotees alike, successfully.
Hayagriva Initiation (Tadin Wang) : 1 May 2022
Hits : 1009
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-05-01
Following the Invocation Ceremony for Hayagriva Imitation (Tadin Wang) by H.E. Gaden Tri Rinpoche, Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin, at Sera Jey Monastery on 30th April 2022, H.E. granted the main Hayagriva Initiation on 1st May 2022, attended by thousands of monks and lay devotees.
Invocation Ceremony - Hayagriva Initiation: 30April2022
Hits : 956
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-04-30
H.E. The 104th Gaden Tri Rinpoche, Jetsun Lobsang Tenzin, today conferred the Invocation Ceremony for the Hayagriva Initiation (Tadin Wang) scheduled for 1st & 2nd May 2022. The sacred ceremony is organized by Sera Jey Monastery, and can be received by both monk & lay devotees.
Chinese Language & Translation Course: 2022
Hits : 796
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-04-21
Sera Jey Chinese language & Translation Department under Sera Jey Modern Education Department, will organize two Buddhist courses in Chinese language and two Basic Chinese language courses in this new Academic year 2022. These courses will be undertaken by the department’s senior students.
Lamrim Teachings by Sera Jey Abbot: 13Apr2022
Hits : 817
Category: Teachings
Date: 2022-04-13
Sera Jey Monastery's abbot follow ups his Lamrim Teachings to pupil monks since 13 April 2022, during the morning debate session breaks. The monastery's abbot undertakes this Lamrim Teachings to the pupil monks at regular intervals each year.
English Language & Translation: new Academic session
Hits : 1024
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-04-11
Sera Jey Monastery’s English Language & Translation Department new academic session was inaugurated on 11 April 2022 by the monastery’s Administrator and Director of Sera Jey Monastery’s Modern Education Department. The coordinator of the department presided the ceremony and presented the previous year’s report.The department announced the commencement of four sections of English Language, three sections of translation course and two sections of real-time translation (Tibetan – English) course during this academic session.The department is also commencing a six month basic course in Tibetan language & grammar for foreign student monks. The program was inaugurated during this ceremony
Special Prayer Ceremonies for HH The Dalai Lama: April 2022
Hits : 925
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-04-10
In the past week, several sacred and major prayers & ritual ceremonies were conducted at Sera Jey Monastery, dedicated for the wellbeing of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, successful flourishing of the Buddha Dharma and early resolution to the Tibet issue.
SJ Science & Meditation Research Centre - Door Instl Ceremony
Hits : 812
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-04-10
Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot and Abbot of Namgyal Monastery, Venerable Thamthog Rinpoche, presided the First Door Frame Installation Ceremony of Sera Jey Science & Meditation Research Centre Construction Project, in the presence of the monastery’s Disciplinarian, Chant Master, New 23rd Administration & the outgoing 22nd Administration Committee Members, on the morning of 10 April 2022.
Visit of National Commission For Minorities, Buddhist Member
Hits : 1013
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-04-04
The National Commission for Minorities, Buddhist Member, Mis. Rinchen Lhamo, paid a kind visit to Sera Jey Monastery on 4th April 2022. The monastery’s abbot The monastery’s abbot & administration accorded a very welcome with traditional scarf offering. Sera Jey monastery’s senior monks from Himalayan regions attended the welcome ceremony; and also the Representatives from the two Settlement of Bylakuppe.
Visit of Honourable Justice Kesang Doma Bhutia
Hits : 1106
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-04-03
The Hon'ble Justice Kesang Doma Bhutia, Judge, High Court of Calcutta, paid a kind visit to Sera Jey Monastery on 3rd April 2022. The monastery’s abbot & administration accorded a very welcome with traditional scarf offering.
Tsokhram Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2022
Hits : 1054
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-04-02
The annual Tsokhram Geshe Graduation Ceremony is scheduled from 2nd – 4th April 2022. Eight pupils will be receiving the Tsokhram Geshe degree during the three day graduation ceremony.
Hayagriva Fire puja & Tsok Offering Ceremony 2022
Hits : 1222
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-03-31
On the final and concluding day of the annual Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony, the Hayagriva Fire Puja & Tsog Offering Ceremony was conducted on 31st March 2022. The monastery’s abbot presided the Hayagriva Fire Puja and Tsog Offering Ceremony with Hayagriva Ritual Shrine Lopon.
Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony 2022
Hits : 1321
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-03-21
Sera Jey Monastery’s annual Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony རྟ་མགྲིན་ཡང་གསང་གི་བསྙེན་པ། for the year 2022 is scheduled from 21 – 30 March 2022.The first day of the retreat was the Invocation Ceremony, and the last final day will be Hayagriva Fire Puja and Tsog Offering Ceremony. The entire monk community of Sera Jey Monastery is participating in this sacred retreat, dedicated to the longlife of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, all living Buddhas and for the peace, harmony & prosperity in the world.
Losar: Tibetan New Year Ceremony 2022
Hits : 1127
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-03-03
The traditional Losar ceremony, Tibetan New Year Ceremony, at the monastery was held on the early morning of the 1st day of the Tibetan Lunar Calendar year 2149, 3rd March 2022. The monastery’s abbot presided the official ceremony before the monastery’s council members and department heads. This was followed by a prayer assembly and ceremony at the main temple, with tea and sweet rice offering.
Guthor Ceremony 2022
Hits : 1016
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-03-01
The annual Guthor Ceremony for the year 2022 was held on 1st March 2022, a traditional event held on the penultimate (29th) day of the closing year, to eliminate any negative obstacles prelude to the Tibetan New Year.The ceremony involves a three day prayer and rituals by a group of monks at the Hayagriva shrine, with the Thorgya (special hand crafted flour cake) incinerated on the final third day.
Survey visit of Nutrition & Wellness expert - Feb. 2022
Hits : 1079
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-02-20
Noted nutrition & wellness consultant Mrs. Sheela Krishnaswamy, made a two day survey visit at Sera Jey Monastery’s food preparation at the main community kitchen, as part of Geluk International Foundation’s food service survey at monastic institute’s affiliated to Geluk tradition.During the two day, Mrs. Sheela Krishnaswamy had the opportunity to observe the entire process in the preparation of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, and presented vital feedbacks & tips to the concerned officials. And also held discussion with the monastery's Abbot and chief administrator and Kitchen managers.
Felicitation for leading Memorisers in SS Memorization 2022
Hits : 978
Category: Academic
Date: 2022-02-02
The leading memorizers in the annual Summer Special Memorization Exam were faciliated during the conclusion day of Sangchos Chenmo Prayer Ceremony gathering on 2 February 2022. Students from the Philosophical collegiate and school who had memorized highest number of text pages were faciliated with a Scarf and token prize by the monastery.
Sangchos Monlam Chenmo Ceremony 2022
Hits : 1659
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2022-01-27
Sera Jey Monastery’s annual "Sangchos Monlam Chenmo Prayer Ceremony" is scheduled from 27th January to 2nd February 2022. The Sangchos Monlam Chenmo (Samantabhadra-carya-pranidhana) prayer ceremony referred as King of Prayers, is one of Serà Jey Monastery's major annual prayer ceremonies. Normally held a week after the Churgu Choepa ceremony (Nineteenth Offering) in veneration to Jetsun Chokyi Gyaltsen Parinirvana anniversary, composer of Buddhist philosophical text of Sera Jey Monastery. Jetsun Chokyi Gyaltsen's chief disciple Panchen Delek Nyima initiated this Great Prayer Ceremony in dedication of the great master.The prayer ceremony is widely known as Sangchos Monlam Chenmo, held annually on 25th day of 11th month of Tibetan lunar calendar. The entire monk community of Sera Jey participates in this prayer ceremony with profound reverence, where all the eight volumes of the Sangchos Monlam Chenmo (Samantabhadra-carya-pranidhana) are recited. Some recitation in the volumes are performed in characteristic unique rhythmic chant.The prayer ceremony is dedicated for the long-life and fulfilment of noble missions of the Supreme Spiritual Master, His Holiness The Dalai Lama, and of all great spiritual masters and sangha members, for their fulfillment of spiritual realization and practice, and all sentient beings for their accumulation of virtues, removal of negative obstacles and for devotees in seeking / realizing ones spiritual path.The prayer is also for the swift ending of Covid pandemic and suffering of all.
Night-long Buddhist Philosophical Debate Ceremony
Hits : 1076
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-01-24
A night-long Buddhist Philosophical Debate Ceremony on Pramanavartika-Valid Cognition (Logic and Reasoning) was conducted on 24th Jan. 2022 at Sera Jey Monastery as part of Geluk Monastery’s annual Winter Debate Meet. Monks from Sera Jey, Sera Mey and Tashi Lhunpo Monasteries participate in the debate ceremony, and monks from the three monastic institute attend the occasion. The ceremony is chaired by former abbots & and present abbots of the three monastic institutes, including Disciplinarians & Chant Masters respectively.
Visit by Tumkur University's Vice Chancellor: 23Jan2022
Hits : 1310
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-01-23
Tumkur University’s Vice Chancellor, Col(Prof) Y S Siddegowda paid a cordial visit to Sera Jey Monastic University on 23rd January 2022. He was accorded a warm welcome by the monastic institute’s Abbot, Chief Administrator and The Director with Section Heads of Sera Jey Modern Education Department. The VC was given a good tour visit to Sera Jey Secondary School and the monastic institute campus. Later the VC had a meeting session with the various department section heads of Sera Jey Modern Education Department. It was a big honor for the monastic institute and its departments to host the visit of The Vice Chancellor of Tumkur University.
Conference on “Pramanasamuccaya": 21Jan2022
Hits : 1062
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2022-01-21
On the Parinirvana Day of Jetsun Choekyi Gyaltsen, the syllabusText composer of Sera Jey Monastery, a Conference on “Pramanasamuccaya”-Compendium of Valid Cognition by Great Master Dinaga at was conducted at Sera Jey on 21st January 2022. The conference was held amongst the three Geluk monastic institutes Sera Jey, Sera Mey & Tashi Lhunpo Monastery, under the organization of Geluk International Foundation.
31st Annual Jang Gunchoe Debate: 2021
Hits : 1236
Category: Special Events
Date: 2022-01-03
The 31st Annual Gelugpa’s Winter Debate session, "Jang Gunchoe Chenmo", at Sera Jey Monastery has commenced on 3rd January 2022. In view of the pandemic situation only the pupil monks from Sera Jey and Sera Mey monastic institutes participate in this debate session. In this Debate session, the topics covered are mainly on commentary on Valid Cognition Pramāṇavārttika; ཚད་མ་རྣམ་འགྲེལ། Dharmakirti's main treatise on pramana, the most important of his Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition-Buddhists studies on logic and reasoning.
Instatement of new Chief Disciplinarian (Dean): 2021
Hits : 1026
Category: Appointments
Date: 2021-12-29
The instatement ceremony of Sera Jey Monastery's new Chief Disciplinarian (Dean) was held on 29 December 2021, the 25th day of the 10th Tibetan lunar calendar month. The new Chief Disciplinarian Geshe Nyima Tsering took charge of his responsibility from the outgoing Chief Disciplinarian Geshe Ngodup Dorjee. The two Assistant Disciplinarians were also instated during the ceremony. The Chief and the two Assistant Disciplinarians will administer their responsibility for a term of one year.
Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony: 2021
Hits : 991
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-12-20
Sera Jey Monastery’s annual prize distribution ceremony for the year 2020, for the meritorious students in the four main exams, Special Memorization exam and Science examination. The event was graced by the monastery’s Abbot, Disciplinarian and Chant master on 19 & 20th December 2021.
Annual Summer Special Memorization Exam: 2021
Hits : 1007
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-12-20
The annual Summer Special Memorization Exam was held on 20 December 2021. The monastery’s Abbot, Disciplinarian, Chant Master and designated Geshes conducted the memorization examination.
Felicitation for Geluk Examination candidates 2021
Hits : 1288
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-12-17
The Administration of Sera Jey Monastery today felicitated pupil monks who have successfully passed the annual Gelukpa University Examination in the year 2021, at a special morning prayer assembly. The monastery’s abbot presented the Certificates and the administration presented token prize to each individual pupil monks. A total of 270 pupil monks have qualified in this 2021 annual Gelukpa University Examination.
Foundation Day of Sera Jey Online Int'l. School
Hits : 1145
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2021-12-11
Foundation Day of Sera Jey Online School School was held on the 32nd anniversary of Noble Peace Prize conferment to His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama at Sera Jey Tashi Choeling Centre, Bylakuppe, India on 10 December 2021.Sera Jey Online School provides online teaching of Tibetan language, Tibetan Buddhism, Mathematics to young Tibetan children across the major dense Tibetan diaspora settled in USA and Europe.It is founded with the noble objective towards preservation of the Tibetan language and religion to the fast & wide spreading of the Tibetan diaspora, where language is the crucial factor for the preservation of a culture.The online school has been receiving very positive and encouraging feedback from the Tibetan diaspora and more so the honouring of a Letter of Appreciation from the Private Office of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama. Link to the Foundation’s Day ceremony Facebook Youtube Official Link to Sera Jey Online School site page
Lharam Geshe Graduation Ceremony: 2021
Hits : 1128
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-12-08
Sera Jey Monastery’s annual Geshe Lharampa Graduation for the year 2021 has commenced on 8 December 2021. This year the Geshe Lharampa Graduation is scheduled for four days,8th & 9th and 11th & 12th December 2021. Twelve candidates will be conferred with the Geshe Lharampa, the highest monastic scholastic title.
Lamrim Teachings by Sera Jey Abbot: 28Nov2021
Hits : 963
Category: Teachings
Date: 2021-11-28
Sera Jey Abbot H.E. Tenzin Choesang Rinpoche gave discourses on Lamrim Chenmo -Stages to the Path of Enlightenment by Je-TsongKhapa to pupuil monks, on 28 November 2021 during the morning debate session.
Guenling Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2021
Hits : 1031
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-11-26
The Guenling (winter Geshe Lingse) Graduation Ceremony for the year 2021 was held on 26 & 27 November 2021. Eight pupil monks received their Geshe Lingse degree during the two graduation ceremony.
Annual Science Exam: 2021
Hits : 975
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2021-11-25
The annual Science Examination for the two batches and the Special Science Class was held on 25 November 2021. Science has been introduced as an co-curricular discipline at Sera Jey in 2012. The examination is on the three science discipline, Physics, Biology and Neuroscience, which are the three main subjects in science discipline at Sera Jey Science Centre. Since March 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic virutal classes were conducted by the science faculty.
Annual Written Examination 2021
Hits : 909
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-11-17
The annual Written Examination for the year 2021 has commenced on 17 November 2021. Students of respective classes have to undertake the annual written examination, which is based on their course syllabus.
Yangdrub Ceremony 2021
Hits : 1033
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2021-11-11
The annual White Dzambalha Yangdrub (Treasure Vase Ritual) Ceremony of Sera Jey Monastery was held from 11 - 13 November 2021. The ceremony is performed dedicating through special Prayers and Rituals invoking purification, accomplishment, prosperity and harmony for human/sentient beings, mother earth and the universe as a whole.
Annual Debate Examination: 2021
Hits : 1014
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-11-10
Sera Jey Monastic University's annual Buddhist Philosophical Debate examination for the year has commenced from 10th Nov. 2021. The examination will run up to several days as every pupil monk of each respective classes will be participating.The examination is conducted with appropriate Covid protocols.
Geshe Rigram Graduation Ceremony: 2021
Hits : 938
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-11-03
The Rigram Geshe graduation ceremony was held on 1st & 3rd November 2021, after the resumption of monastery's curriculum programs following the lifting of the Covid pandemic lockdown. Yet, the program is conducted with essential Covid protocols. Eight candidates received the Rigram Geshe degree during this graduation ceremony.
Supplementary Memorization Examination 2021
Hits : 940
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-10-29
The monastery’s supplementary memorization examination of respective classes are conducted on 29 October 2021 and will continue for the second day on 30 October 2021. The supplementary memorization examination are generally based on topics related to Tibetan Buddhist Culture, Buddhist Texts/Philosophy/Logic & General knowledge. It is conducted in written format, to ascertain pupil’s proper grasp of the topic, grammar and spelling.
Annual Memorization Examination 2021
Hits : 1024
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-10-27
Sera Jey Monastery's Board of Examination conducted the annual Memorization Examination from this day of 27th October 2021, following the lifting of over one & half year long indefinite suspension of curriculum activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic.The memorization examination is taken in written format, to ascertain pupil's grasp of the grammar and spelling. The examination is conducted in compliance to appropriate Covid-19 protocol.
Dry Food Rations Distribution: 4 October 2021
Hits : 1116
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-10-04
Another round of dry food rations were distributed to the monk community on 4 October 2021. Rice, Wheat Flour, White Flour, Dal (Lentil) and Cooking Oil were the food ingredients distributed. The dry food rations distribution is continued in view of the suspension of main Kitchen service as a safety and containment measure amid the prevailing pandemic.
Choekhor Duechen 2021
Hits : 1158
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2021-07-15
On the auspicious occasion of Buddha Shakyamuni's first turning of vehicle of Dharma Day, "Choekhor Duechen" Sera Jey Monastery conducted a special Hayagriva Tsokhong Prayer Ceremony by senior Geshes. It is specially dedicated for the wellbeing of His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama and all high lamas, and for all the people suffering from Covid-19. This special Hayagriva prayer is also dedicated for the swift control of the pandemic that has affected the whole world and caused much misery.
Covid-19 vaccination drive - 11 July 2021
Hits : 1037
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-07-11
On 11th July 2021, the monastic institutes – Sera Jey & Sera Mey jointly sponsored covid vaccinations to around 430 people aged between 18 – 44 age group, residing in the two settlements of Bylakuppe. They include settlement settlers, migrant workers and people from Himalayan regions. On the same day, vaccinations were also done for member monks of the two monastic institutes. We sincerely thank the sponsors, benefactors and supporters for financing the vaccination drive.
Inauguration of Sera Jey Gatsel ling Park
Hits : 1043
Category: Special Events
Date: 2021-07-06
On the auspicious day of Trungkar Duchen, the 86th Birthday of His Holiness The Dalai Lama, Sera Jey Gatsel ling was inaugurated during this special occasion.Sera Jey Gatsel ling was named for the new Fruits & Tree Plantation Park developed by Sera Jey Monastery. Sera Jey Monastery’s Abbot inaugurated the opening ceremony, and the Administrator presided the ceremony, attended by the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Administrators, Council Members, Representative members from respective Departments / Khangtsens and staff members. The ceremony was followed with mass planting of fruits and trees in the vast field land.
Kadren Jedren: Scholarship for Higher Education - 2021
Hits : 1121
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-07-06
The two Kadren Jedren Lobyon (Scholarship) and Assistance to Elders for the year 2021 were awarded by online virtual during the official Trungkar, 86th Birthday Celebration Ceremony at Sera Jey Monastery. The monastery’s abbot, released the two grants. In this 7th Kadren Jedren Lobyon, Scholarship Grant, 17 students from poor and needy background were awarded the scholarship grant ranging from INR 30,000 (thirty thousand) to 60,000(sixty thousand). Details of the scholarship recipients in JPEG PDF And three poor / needy elders from the two settlements in Bylakuppe were awarded the monetary assistance of INR 10,000 (ten thousand) each. Details of the Financial Assistance recipients JPEG PDF
Trunkr: 86th Birthday of HH The Dalai Lama Ceremony
Hits : 1235
Category: Special Events
Date: 2021-06-15
Trungkar Duchen: The 86th Birthday Celebration Ceremony of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso was conducted at Sera Jey Monastery in the morning of 6 July 2021. The monastery’s abbot, Khen Rinpoche, Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master & Administrator offered Mandala and scarf to the Portrait of His Holiness, followed by scarf offering by Administration Members, Council Members and Heads of respective Departments / Khangtsens offered scarves. The cake cutting celebration ceremony and tea / sweet rice offering service was followed next.
COVID-19 vaccine 2nd dose drive :18 – 44 age group
Hits : 1133
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-06-10
Sera Jey Monastery’s COVID-19 Rapid Action Committee together with Sera Jey Admnistration, Health Care Committee and Secondary School today organized the 2nd Dose vaccine drive for member monks in the 18 – 44 age group, on 30 June 2021. More than 1300 (one thousand three hundred plus) monks were inoculated during this drive. Sera Jey Monastery extends profound gratitude and appreciation to the sponsor.
Joint Vaccination Drive for lay people : 21 June 2021
Hits : 1021
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-06-10
On 21st June Sera Jey and Sera Mey Monastery jointly sponsored a Covid-19 vaccination drive, 1st Dose, for lay people from Himalaya regions, migrant & local workers to 18 + age group member at Tso Jhe Khangsar Hospital in Bylakuppe settlement.
COVID-19 vaccine drive at SJM: 21 June 2021
Hits : 1045
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-06-05
Sera Jey Monastery’s Covid-19 Rapid Action Committee organized another vaccination drive for the remaining 45 + age group member monks 2nd dose and 1st dose for the remaining 18 + age group member monks on 21 June 2021 at Sera Jey Monastery. Extending our profound gratitude and appreciation to the sponsor and organizers.
COVID-19 vaccine drive sponsorship for DLIHE & TMAI
Hits : 993
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-06-05
Sera Jey and Sera Mey Monastery jointly sponsored Covid 19 Vaccination to students and staff of The Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Education and Tibetan Medical & Astrological Institute, Bangalore on 9 June, 2021. The program was organized was through Office of The Chief Representative, Central Tibetan Administration, South Zone, Bangalore.
Donating PPE & Oxygen Concentrators to community: 8June2021
Hits : 1046
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-06-01
Sera Jey Monastery today on 8 June 2021, distributed two face masks to all monks and to lay people in the two Tibetan settlements at Bylakuppe. Besides, 40 numbers of PPE kit and 5 numbers of Oxygen Concentrators were donated to Tsojhe Khangsar Hospital, 150 Face Masks and 2 Oxygen Concentrators were donated to the Old Age Home of the two settlements at Bylakuppe. And 300 Face masks were distributed to Tibetan college students in Mysore, as part of its ongoing social activity during the pandemic.
COVID-19 vaccine 1st dose drive :18 – 44 age group
Hits : 939
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-05-30
The COVID-19 vaccine 1st dose drive for 18 – 44 age group was organized by Sera Jey Monastery’s COVID-19 Rapid Action Committee on 2 June 2021. More than a thousand of our member monks falling in this age group were inoculated in this 1st dose drive at Sera Jey Monastery. The monastery and its monk community are indebted and grateful to the generous benefactor for sponsoring the vaccination.
5th Special Prayer & Lamp Offering - COVID 19
Hits : 1068
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2021-05-25
The 5th in series Special Prayer followed with Lamp Offering was presided by the Abbot and in the attendance of the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Administrator and Council Committee on Wednesday 26th May 2021 at 7 pm.The Special Prayer with Lamp Offering was dedicated for the wellbeing and long-life of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, living Buddhas and particularly towards alleviation in the prevailing steep and dangerous surge in COVID-19 pandemic crisis that is devastating the people and nation of India and at other parts of the world, and more so for the scores of victims, brothers and sisters, who has lost lives from the tragic pandemic and deprived of a decent and customary last rite.We pray and hope for the swift containment and complete end to the appalling global pandemic.
4th Special Prayer & Lamp Offering - COVID 19
Hits : 1243
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2021-05-20
The 4th in series Special Prayer followed with a Lamp Offering was presided by the Abbot and in the attendance of the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Administrator and Council Committee on Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 7 pm.The Special Prayer with Lamp Offering was dedicated for the wellbeing and long-life of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, living Buddhas and particularly towards alleviation in the prevailing steep and dangerous surge in COVID-19 pandemic crisis that is devastating the people and nation of India and at other parts of the world, and more so for the scores of victims, brothers and sisters, who has lost lives from the tragic pandemic and deprived of a decent and customary last rite.We pray and hope for the swift containment and complete end to the appalling global pandemic.
Relief Aid to school students - COVID-19
Hits : 1204
Category: Social & Educational Services
Date: 2021-05-19
With the onset of second wave COVID 19 pandemic in India, the steep surge in cases has rapidly spread to most parts of India, Karnataka state being one of the worst affected. Unfortunately cases in the two Tibetan Settlements of Bylakuppe is beginning to rise quite rapidly, and residential school students being badly affected. In solidarity and coming to the aid of the school students, Sera Jey Monastery’s administration along with Sera Je Secondary School and Sera Jhe Health Care Committee, on 18 May 2021 provided relief aid of Rations and fresh fruits to residential school students of TCV and TDL Sambhota Hostel.
Special Prayer Ceremony: covid-19 pandemic crisis
Hits : 1158
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2021-04-29
Sera Jey Monastery conducted a Special Prayer Ceremony presided by the Abbot and in the attendance of the Chief Disciplinarian, Chant Master, Administrator and Council Committee on Wednesday 28 April 2021 at 7 pm, in the main temple. The Special Prayer Ceremony was dedicated for the wellbeing and long-life of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama, living Buddhas and particularly towards alleviation in the prevailing steep and dangerous surge in COVID-19 pandemic crisis that is devastating the people and nation of India and at other parts of the world. The prayer ceremony was followed with a Lamp Offering in dedication for the scores of victims, brothers and sisters, who has lost lives from the horrific pandemic and deprived of a decent and customary last rite. We pray and hope for the swift containment and complete end to the shattering global pandemic. Official Announcement on the Special Prayer Ceremony JPEG PDF
visit of Hon'ble Sikyong : 5 April 2021
Hits : 1135
Category: Special Events
Date: 2021-04-05
Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangey, Hon'ble President of Central Tibetan Administration, paid a short visit at Sera Jey Monastery during his visit to Tibetan settlements in South India. Sera Jey Monastery accorded a warm welcome to Honourable Sikyong.
Groundbreaking Ceremony - SJ Science & Meditation Research Centre
Hits : 1138
Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Date: 2021-04-04
A formal Groundbreaking Ceremony of "Sera Jey Science & Meditation Research Centre Project's" building complex was performed on 3 April 2021. The project is proposed by the monastery's council to faciliate adequate infrastructure for conducive conduct of science classes, laboratory practicals and meditation research work, in view of the growing interest and collaboration by academic universities & institutions on research in meditation.
Tsokhram Geshe Graduation Ceremony 2021
Hits : 1101
Category: Academic
Date: 2021-03-22
The Tsokhram Geshe Graduation Ceremony was scheduled from 20-22 March 2021. Ten pupils received their Geshe graduation during this three day ceremony. The ceremony was held in a little more relaxed atmosphere with a larger assembly amid maintaining the pandemic protocol.
Hayagriva Fire puja & Tsok Offering Ceremony 2021
Hits : 1302
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2021-03-13
The Hayagriva Fire Puja and Tsok Offering at the concluding day of the Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony was performed on 13 March, 2021. The Fire Puja and Tsok Offering was presided by the monastery's Abbot.
Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony 2021
Hits : 1583
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2021-03-13
The Hayagriva Retreat Ceremony, one of the sacred ritual ceremony of Sera Jey Monastery was held from 3rd - 13th March 2021. A contained number of 185 monk assembly was organized, as per covid-19 protocol, at the main temple. while all others observed at respective residence quarters. Hayagriva Fire Puja and Tsok Offering was held on the concluding day of 13 March, 2021.
Appointment of new Director - SJ Modern Education Dept.
Hits : 1767
Category: Appointments
Date: 2021-03-08
This is to notify all concerned on the appointment of Geshe Thabkhe, the new Director of “Sera Jey Modern Education Department” for a term of three years, following the successful completion of his predecessor Geshe Ngawang Norbu’s tenure. Geshe Thabkhe has taken charge of the responsibility from 5th March 2021. We recommend all concerned in extending your continued cooperation & association to the new Director. Contact information of Geshe Thabkhe:Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. // Phone: +91 9591347216 Official Circular JPEG PDF
Lorsa (Tibetan New Year) 2146 Ceremony
Hits : 3814
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2019-02-14
Lorsa, the Tibetan New Earth-Pig Year 2146 ceremony was held on 5th February 2019. The monastery's abbot with the discipinarian, tulkus, geshes, chant master, administrators and department heads convened early morning to offer scarfs and mandel to His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama's portrait, followed by the Lorsa ceremonial puja at the assembly hall.
Guthor Ritual Ceremony 2019
Hits : 3025
Category: Prayer & Ritual Ceremonies
Date: 2019-02-14
The annual Guthor Ritual Ceremony for the year 2019 (Tibetan Earth-Pig Year 2145) was held on the customary 29th day of the last Tibetan Calendar month, 3rd February 2019. The ceremony is a three day event of prayers and ritual ceremonies by a large team of monks, and finally burning the large Guthor Thorma on the thrid day. The ceremony is a ritual to remove all negative obstacles for a peaceful, healthy and prosperous New Year.
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