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- Philosophical Studies
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- Category: Philosophical Studies
- Hits: 4322
The monks of Sera Jey Monastery are deeply engaged in the study of Buddhist philosophy expounded by the great pundits of the ancient Indian monastic university, Nalanda Monastery.
Beginning more than two thousand years ago, the teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni were examined, studied and practiced by the great Indian pundits of Nalanda, foremost among whom are Arya Nagarjuna, Chandrakirti, Dharmakirti, Asanga, and Vasubhandu. The masters of Nalanda also wrote many commentaries, which were, together with the entire collected teachings of the Buddha, translated into the Tibetan language (starting from the seventh century) before the decline and loss of these teachings in India . In Tibet the complete Nalanda teaching lineages were preserved as a living tradition of spiritual practice leading to profound states of realization of the most positive human qualities such as universal compassion, love, tolerance, altruism, and wisdom.
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- Category: Philosophical Studies
- Hits: 4378
The scholastic title of Geshe is awarded to pupils successfully completing the entire course in the study of The Five Major Treatises spanning 19 years. The title of Geshe is equivalent to MPhil (Master of Philosophy)
Lharam Geshe:
From the Geshe graduating pool, a very few merited pupils are selected for contending the title of Lharam Geshe, which involves 6 years of further studies - revision & indepth study of The Five Major Treatises. There are six annual exams conducted by Gelukpa University, and upon successfully completing all the six examinations the title of Lharam Geshe is awarded by Gelukpa University - which is the central monastic university of all monasteries affiliated to Gelukpa tradition.
The title of Lharam Geshe is equivalent to PhD (Doctroate of Philosophy)
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- Category: Philosophical Studies
- Hits: 4734
The program primarily involves the in depth study of the Five Main Treatises
- Valid Cognition ( Pramana) t shad-ma / tsenma (Tibetan term)
- Perfection of Wisdom Studies ( Prajnaparamita ) phar-byin /pharchin (Tibetan term)
- Middle Way ( Madhyamika ) dbu ma / Uma (Tibetan term)
- Monastic Discipline ( Vinaya ) 'dul pa / dulwa (Tibetan term)
- Phenomenology ( Ahbidharma ) mdzod / Zod (Tibetan term)
And these courses are overall conducted in the form of debate, memorization, oral commentary/explanation, prayers, abiding in monastic discipline, meditation and observing the inherent monastic culture of loving kindness, compassion, wisdom and the pursuit of ultimate reality.