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Besides the monastic institute’s main curriculum of Buddhist Philosophical Studies & traditional monastic practices, modern academic disciplines as science and languages / translations were introduced later under the guidelines of His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama’s noble vision on the importance of studying modern academic disciplines alongside traditional monastic curriculum.
Hence, today Sera Jey has a well-established Science Centre, functioning regular science courses conducted by qualified teachers. Two language and translation departments in English and Chinese administering course programs. An IGNOU Special Study Centre was later established at Sera Jey in 2017, to cater to student monks aspiration to study different academic disciplines. And lately NIOS Secondary Level Study Centre was established at Sera Jey in 2021. NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) is a Government of India, Ministry of Education institution program intended to provide opportunities to study and complete Secondary & Senior Secondary school certificates for individuals who did not have/had the privlege of normal schooling.
The entire programs and activities of the Extra Curricula Studies functions under monastic institute’s Modern Education Department, administered by a director and respective department’s coordinators. Detail information can be viewed at respective department site page.