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- Category: Monasteries
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Do Phen ling Gompa, the new Monastery established by Sera Jey Monastery was inaugurated by His Holiness The Dalai Lama on the 26th of May 2005. The Gompa is situated on the foothills of the hillock – LhaSolsa (Puja Offering Place) at Chandmari - Gangtok in the North Eastern Indian state of Sikkim.
How the Gompa came into being:
History records that this special hillock where the Gompa is built was gifted by the Chief Buddhist Priest of Sikkim to the community of devotees in Gangtok in the year 1947 exclusively for Puja Offering purpose. Thence the special place was reserved by the community for prayers & offering ceremonies, becoming the main venue for making offering ceremonies on all important festivals and the place for devotees to fly their Lungta (Wind Horse).
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- Category: Monasteries
- Hits: 4872
Rudok Lhundup Choding Monastery is the main representation of its ancient monastery in Western Tibet, which thrived before the 1959 era and was under the affiliation of Sera Jey Monastery for centuries. It was reestablished at Leh Ladhak - India in the 1960's; and for several decades the remoteness and backwardness of the place have left the monastery in a state of total seclusion beyond its local region.
The remote location and the underdeveloped socio economic life of the community, is one of the main reason for the monastery to remain backward without any progress for several decades.
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- Category: Monasteries
- Hits: 5527
Jamyang Choekorling Monastery is one of the ancient Buddhist Monastery at Tawang in the state of Arunachal Pradesh in North East India. The Monastery was first established during the era of the 6th Dalai Lama of Tibet – Tsangyang Gyatso. The Monastery flourished well in the peaceful and quiet region for centuries, until of late in history, the state of poor economy of the local and regional communities has constrained in the development of the Monastery.
The communities realizing the limited prospect in visualizing any development of the monastic institution, from their limited economic condition and outside support, has requested, through The Department of Religion & Culture - Central Tibetan Administration of the exiled Government of Tibet, Sera Jey Monastery in taking over the custody and administration of their Monastery.
Current Core Offices
Former Abbots
70th Khensur Lobsang Tsering
His Eminence Geshe Lobsang Tsering, the 70th abbot of Sera Jey Monastery, was born in Tibet in 1923. He was ordained at the age of five and started his Buddhist philosophical studies at twelve. At the age of seventeen, he joined Sera Jey Monastery and underwent rigorous philosophical studies. He served as a philosophy teacher at his native monastery for three years. In 1959 he was imprisoned by Chinese authorities for seven years and had to undergo extreme hardship. In 1969, he fled Tibet under immense hardship, to India for exile. At Sera Jey Monastery in South India, he earned the first position in his Geshe Lharampa Examination in 1978. In 1986, he was enthroned the 70th abbot of Sera Jey Monastery and made several developments in both spiritual and administrative fields. He devoted his entire life to teaching the Buddhist philosophy to scores of aspiring students.
71st Khensur Jampa Theckchok
His Eminence Jampa Thekchok, the 71st abbot of Sera jey Monastery was born in Phenpo, Tibet in 1930. He was ordained at the age of eight and began his study of major Buddhist texts around the age of ten. His eminence arrived in exile in 1959 and continued his studies in major Buddhist texts. He taught Buddhist studies at Central University of Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, for seven years and travelled aboard to give teachings. In 1993, he was enthroned as the abbot of Sera Jey Monastery and he served the monastery in great length in both spiritual and administrative fields.
72nd Khensur Lobsang Dhonyoe
His Eminence Jetsun Lobsang Donyo, the 72nd abbot of Sera Jey monastery, was born in 1925. At the age of nine, he joined Lhatse monastery, gained basic Tibetan education and memorized all traditional monastic scriptures and studied basic Buddhist epistemology. At the age of nineteen, he joined Sera Jey Monastic University and studied all major Buddhist texts.
In 1961, he left Tibet to take exile in India and continued his study at Buxar in north India. He has served as proof-reader at monastery’s printing office. In 1967, he studied at Central University for Tibetan studies, Sarnath and received the Acharya degree.
In 1999, he was enthroned the 72nd abbot of Sera Jey Monastery and made great contribution to both spiritual and temporal affairs.73rd Khensur Lobsang Palden
His eminence Jetsun Lobsang Palden, the 73rd abbot of Sera Jey Monastic University, was born in 1936. At the age of twelve, he joined Dhargye Monastic School and memorized all traditional monastic scriptures as well as studied basic Buddhist epistemology and other texts.
At the age of seventeen, he joined Sera Jey Monastery and studied all major Buddhist texts. In 1959, he fled to India and continued his studies at Buxar in north India. In 1965, he studied at Central University for Tibetan studies, Varanasi, and received the Acharya degree.
In 2005, he was enthroned as the 73rd abbot of Sera Jey Monastic University and made great contribution to both spiritual and administrative fields. Moreover, he devoted most of his time to give teachings and oral transmissions on Buddhist scriptural resources to scores of pupil monks.74th Khensur Lobsang Delek
His Eminence Jetsun Lobsang Delek, the 74th abbot of Sera Jey Monastery, was born in 1939 at Karze district in Tibet. At the age of seven, he joined Karze Monastery and started memorizing traditional monastic scriptures. His given name is Lobsang Delek and received ordained name as Ngawang Soepa while he was newly ordained at age of seventeen. In 1959, he fled to India and continued his Buddhist philosophical studies at Buxar in north India. In 1968, he received the full-ordained vows from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. In 1982, he was honored with first position of Lharam Geshe degree. Moreover, in 2005, he was enthroned as the abbot of Gudme Tantric Monastery, and he became the 75th Sera Jey Abbot on 6 May 2012. Generally, he devotes his precious regular time in giving teaching and conferring different initiations and oral transmissions.
75th Khensur Gedun Choephel
His Eminence Jetsun Gedun Choephel, 75th abbot of Sera Jey Monastery, was born in 1941 at at his native Kartze province in Eastern Tibet and was initiated at the age of 8 in his native Kartze monastery. He joined Sera Jey Monastery – Tibet in 1955. In 1969 left Tibet for India and was among the foremost member monks to re-establish the monastery at exile in South India. He has received the highest monastic scholastic award of Lharam Geshe – Doctorate in Buddhist Philosophy, and has dedicated his entire life to teachings at the monastery. He was enthroned the 75th abbot of Sera Jey Monastery on 18th July 2016.
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