Sera Jey Singapore Buddhist Center
CATEGORY: Centers | PUBLISHED:: 01-05-2016 | Hits:8871
An affiliate of this Monastery, inaugurated on 18 April 2007 by the then Abbot - Khen Rinpoche Acharya Geshe Lobsang Palden and Ven. Hai Tao (Founder & Spiritual Director of Life TV). This Center is founded with the objective of imparting Buddhism Teachings and to promote applications of teachings in daily life; and to foster and develop interest and appreciation in Buddhist culture and Buddhist art. The Center is administered by a committee (Board Members) for a term of three years. The present elected committee that has taken charge in November 2010 is the second since its founding. Resident Monk - Geshe Tenzin Dremey (Drati) Read more
Sera Jey Taiwan Dharma Center
CATEGORY: Centers | PUBLISHED:: 01-05-2016 | Hits:5134
Sera Jey Buddhist Association of Taiwan is the first affiliate Center of Sera Jey Monastery in Taiwan, established by the then abbot - late Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Donyo in the year 2002 with the support of his fellow dharma students and devotees. It was inaugurated by the founder - late Khensur Rinpoche Geshe Lobsang Donyo on 9th November 2002. The Center was formally registered on 3rd July 2004 with Taiwan Interior Ministry - Taipei. The Center is primarily involved in imparting Dharma Teachings and offering ritual / puja services to students and devotee communities at Taiwan. Read more
TSJ Omniscience Dharma Academy
CATEGORY: Centers | PUBLISHED:: 01-05-2016 | Hits:3629
An affiliate of Sera Jey Monastery, founded with the objective of imparting Buddhist Teachings & encourage applications of teachings in daily life; and to foster & develop interest and appreciation in Buddhist culture and Buddhist art. Resident Geshe - Geshe Yama Sangpo / Geshe Lobsang Gyaltsen | Resident Monk - Ven. Jampa Ngaodup | Center Director - Chan, Chi-Huei Read more
Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center U.S.A.
CATEGORY: Centers | PUBLISHED:: 01-05-2016 | Hits:5347
Sera Jey Buddhist Culture Center is registered 503(C)(3) non profit organization at New York - USA. The Center is founded by fellow member monks and alumni of Sera Jey Monastery residing at New York and neighbouring city. With the presence of many Sera Jey alumni at New York and surrounding for several years, the monastery rightly considered that a Buddhist center would be an ideal service to Tibetan and fellow Buddhist devotee community. Read more
Sera Jey Canada Buddhist Culture Center
CATEGORY: Centers | PUBLISHED:: 01-05-2016 | Hits:4760
Sera Jey Canada Buddhist Culture Center is a not for profit organization based at Toronto, Canada. In 2014, the center received its formal incorporation under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.Founded thirteen years ago by fellow member monks and alumni of Sera Jey Monastery residing at Toronto, Ontario and other parts of Canada, with an objective to provide Buddhist Read more
Sera Jey Dro-Phenling Monastery
CATEGORY: Monasteries | PUBLISHED:: 01-05-2016 | Hits:6065
Introduction:Do Phen ling Gompa, the new Monastery established by Sera Jey Monastery was inaugurated by His Holiness The Dalai Lama on the 26th of May 2005. The Gompa is situated on the foothills of the hillock – LhaSolsa (Puja Offering Place) at Chandmari - Gangtok in the North Eastern Indian state of Sikkim. How the Gompa came into being:History records that this special hillock where the Gompa is built was gifted by the Chief Buddhist Priest of Sikkim to the community of devotees in Gangtok in the year 1947 exclusively for Puja Offering purpose. Thence the special place was reserved by the community for prayers & offering ceremonies, becoming the main venue for... Read more
Sera Jey Rudok Lhundup Choding Monastery
CATEGORY: Monasteries | PUBLISHED:: 01-05-2016 | Hits:4872
Introduction:Rudok Lhundup Choding Monastery is the main representation of its ancient monastery in Western Tibet, which thrived before the 1959 era and was under the affiliation of Sera Jey Monastery for centuries. It was reestablished at Leh Ladhak - India in the 1960's; and for several decades the remoteness and backwardness of the place have left the monastery in a state of total seclusion beyond its local region. The remote location and the underdeveloped socio economic life of the community, is one of the main reason for the monastery to remain backward without any progress for several decades. Read more
Sera Jey Jamyang Choekhorling Monastery
CATEGORY: Monasteries | PUBLISHED:: 01-05-2016 | Hits:5527
Introduction:Jamyang Choekorling Monastery is one of the ancient Buddhist Monastery at Tawang in the state of Arunachal Pradesh in North East India. The Monastery was first established during the era of the 6th Dalai Lama of Tibet – Tsangyang Gyatso. The Monastery flourished well in the peaceful and quiet region for centuries, until of late in history, the state of poor economy of the local and regional communities has constrained in the development of the Monastery. The communities realizing the limited prospect in visualizing any development of the monastic institution, from their limited economic condition and outside support, has requested, through The Department of Religion & Culture - Central Tibetan Administration of the... Read more
Sera jey Buddhist Kulturzentrum in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein
CATEGORY: Centers | PUBLISHED:: 09-10-2017 | Hits:3291
Sera jey Buddhist Kulturzentrum in der Schweiz und Liechtenstein is founded by former members of Sera Jey for preserving Tibetan language, tradition and culture of the Tibetan community, especially the new generation. The center organizes prayer and social events during important Buddhist calendars and Tibetan annual dates. Read more