Category: Academic Extra Curricula
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NIOS Secondary inauguration 21May2022Sera Jey NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) Study Centre, Secondary level, M08059 was inaugurated on 21st May 2022 at Sera Jey Tashi Choeling Centre Auditorium. The abbot, Tenzin Choesang Rinpoche was the Chief Guest, Guest of Honour for the ceremony were Shri V. Sathish, Regional Director (Adm), NIOS Regional Centre Bangalore and Dr. Hemamalini HC, Asstt. Regional Director, IGNOU Bangalore Regional Centre; the Chief Representative of South Zone Tibetan settlements and the Representatives of the two Tibetan settlement Office were the Special Guests.

The Chief Guest, two Guests of Honour and the Special Guests addressed the Ceremony.

During the ceremony IGNOU graduation certificates were presented to respective candidates by the guests.