Category: Academic Extra Curricula
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NFall Debate School 2023The 2nd Fall Debate School was held from 16 November to 16 December 2023.

The Fall Debate School at Sera Jey Monastery is a one of a kind opportunity for English speaking individuals to engage in an intensive 30-day training in the profound technique of the Nalanda Tradition of debate.

Tibetan Buddhist scholars of philosophy and cognitive science have been using this structured form of logic-based dialogue for the past 1000 years to probe the workings of thought and logic, the characteristics of consciousness, and the fundamental nature of reality itself.

For the second consecutive year, a group of energized and dedicated students from around the world (about 25 students from 10 countries) have participated, learning how to use this unique style of debate, learning how to think more clearly and communicate more effectively, while understanding their own minds and worlds using the analytical tools and philosophical insights developed by the Nalanda Tradition.