Category: Academic Extra Curricula
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MoU signing ceremony 10Sept2022Following the enthronement ceremony of the new 77th Abbot, Geshe Tashi Tsethar, the signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding between Sera Jey Monastic Institute and Tumkur University by the respective heads, Abbot Geshe Tashi Tsering of SJMI and Vice Chancellor Prof M Venkateshwaralu, was held at Sera Jey Lhundrub Khangsar Hall on 10 September 2022 at 2.00 pm. This was followed by exchange of MoU between Sera Jey Monastic Institute and University of Mysore, by Abbot Geshe Tashi Tsering of SJMI and
Prof. R. Shivappa, Registrar of University of Mysore.

The occasion also witnessed the book launch ceremony of Kannada language translation of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama’s book, “Kindness, Clarity and Insight” by Tumkur University. And the launch of the English translation of Khedrub Je’s work brought out as “Freedom Through Correct Knowing” by Sera Jey English Translation Department.