Category: Academic Extra Curricula
Hits: 1065

SJIOS Summer Camp Inaug 11Jul2022The first Summer Camp (2022) of Sera Jey International Online School was inaugurated at SJ Tashi Choeling Centre Auditorium on 11 July 2022. This first Summer Camp 2022 is a 20 day long event, scheduled from 11 - 30 July, specifically organized for children of Tibetan Diaspora with an objective to provide an opportunity to get a feel and experience real Tibetan and Buddhist culture that they are devoid. About 60 students are enrolled in this first Summer Camp 2022.

Sera Jey International Online School conducts online coaching for children of Tibetan diaspora with an objective to provide coaching in Tibetan Language & Buddhist Culture to children of Tibetan diaspora, to preserve ones language and culture. The online school was formally commenced from 10 December 2020.