Category: Academic
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Rigchung 2019The annual Rigchung, the Minor Debate Ceremony, for the year 2019 was held from 25 - 28 August 2019. This is a traditional ceremony in the Gelugpa monastic institutes, for pupils completing the Shung / base studies of the Paramita stage, before the assembly. Where meritorious pupils from the class present on the topics - ཆོས་འཁོར། Turning the wheel of Dharma, རིགས། Buddha Nature, སྦྱོར་ལམ། Preparatory Path, སྐྱབས་གསུམ།Three Jewels, བཀའ་བསྟན་བཅོས།Buddha’s Canon and its commentaries, ཡང་དག་མཐའ། Ultimate reality, བྱམས་གཞུང། Maitreya Text, སེམས་བསྐྱེད། Bodhichitta.